A Message

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Luka woke with a groan, body going stiff as a tongue licked its way up his stiff dick. He sucked in a stuttering breath as he pulled back the blankets, blue eyes shining up at him from the dark. Marinette smirked as she gripped him, hand pumping his shaft as she licked the tip. Luka ripped the blanket from over them and smiled down at her, all tiredness leaving him as she took him in her mouth. His hand found her hair and he grabbed a fist full, tugging as she let out a pleasured moan around his cock. Marinette's eyes widened as he pulled her further down, gagging her as he stuck his cock further down her throat. 

Marinette's eyes locked on his as she let him control her. He thrust into her mouth in a slow rhythm, eyes closing as she accepted him down her throat. Luka moaned deep in his throat as he felt his climax coming, his hand gripping her hair tighter and the other wiping the sweat from his forehead. She paid him no mind as she kept his pace, working his dick down her throat and humming in pleasure as he moaned her name. 

"M-Marinette, I'm about to-."

She gave him a slutty smile, taking him from her throat to gently suck on the head. "Then do it Viper." Luka groaned as he spilled into her mouth, eyes closing as she didn't let a drop spill from her lips. She swallowed and released him with a soft pop. Marinette crawled up to lay next to him, a playful smile on her face as she ran a hand through his teal locks. 

"Goodmorning by the way."

Luka chuckled and kissed the top of her hair, arms wrapping around her. "That was a hell of a way to wake up, Melody. What's on the schedule today?" Marinette huffed and looked at the clock, 5:09am flashing on her bedside table.

"Classes start at seven. I promised Alya we would try a new cafe for lunch so that should be fun. After classes, I don't really have any plans."

He smiled and rubbed soft circles on her back, warmth flooding through him as she sank further into his side. "Good. Then you can expect an easy night, since you aren't allowed out on patrol." 

Marinette froze, her eyes turning to slits as she glared up at him. "Excuse me?" Luka sighed and sat up against the headboard, pulling her up with him. "You are over worked Mari. You barely passed your last test and I had to have Sass and Tikki help me with your homework yesterday. You need to take some time to yourself. No Ladybug unless absolutely needed, okay?" She stared at him in disbelief, her mouth opening and closing as she tried in vain to formulate a comeback. Finding none, she gave a small nod.

"Fine, but you can't put me on MPD restriction."

They stared at each other, both waiting to see if the other would cave. Finally, Luka huffed, a hand making its way through his own hair. 

"Fine. You can go to the MPD. BUT! No working on the case. Social calls only."

Marinette smiled and nodded her agreement, removing herself from his side to get ready for her day. Soon she was dressed, coffee in hand and walking out the door after pecking Luka goodbye. She locked the door behind her and jumped in surprise as she heard a click behind her. She spun and sighed in relief, Adrien paying her no mind as he locked his own door. 

"Goodmorning Adrien!" 

Adrien gave her a cold stare and turned on his heel, stalking quietly to the hall elevator. Marinette frowned as he walked away, her heart aching slightly as he ignored her. She rushed after him, barely catching the elevator door as it closed. She slipped in beside him and took him in, his dull green eyes focused on his phone. His hair was messy, as though he just didn't care to fix it this morning. His clothes were casual, his usual green t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Hey Adrien. Is everything okay?"

He looked at her from the corner of his eye, a hint of an unexplainable emotion swimming. "I'm fine Marinette." She didn't believe him but chose not to push it, knowing he wasn't exactly a morning person. Maybe he didn't sleep well? The elevator dinged as they reached the ground floor, Adrien motioning her out first. They turned to go their separate ways, Marinette pausing and turning to grip his wrist.

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