Cookies and Cake

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The weeks seemed to fly by, classes during the day and murders by night. Marinette sighed as she studied her biology book propped on her knees, a steaming mug of citrus tea held snug in her hands. October came quick in Miami and while it was not nearly as bad as Paris, the low temperature still put a damper on her energy. Sipping her tea, her brain wandered to Adrien.

The blond had slowly started opening up to her and while they weren't exactly best friends, being friends with Alya and Nino made them at least acquaintances. Occasionally she would catch him down on the beach, his green eyes locked on her balcony as though waiting on her appearance, only to look away when he caught her eye. She had invited him over for cookies on this chilly night, some company would have done her good and would hopefully mend the cracked bridge between them. 

She jumped as a soft knock on her door broke her silence. She set the book down on the coffee table and moved to the door, eyes widening as Adrien's neutral face met hers from the hallway. His arms were full of different ingredients from eggs to every kind of chocolate chip known to mankind. He smiled sheepishly at her as she took some from him and beckoned him inside. 

"Did you bring enough to feed the whole Army?" 

Adrien chuckled and tossed the ingredients onto the kitchen counter, eyes scanning the bowls she had left out in preparation.

"Well you know, not all of us have had the opportunity to bake cookies before. I was hoping you could show me a few tricks."

Marinette hummed as she looked him over, blushing slightly at the casual look of the model. Loose black shorts swing against his legs as he moved and an oversized white shirt with 'The Cat's Meow' scrawled on the front engulfed his frame. He was adorable, and she couldn't stop the thought from forming.

She and Luka had decided on friends with benefits, Marinette not ready to jump back into a relationship with the other hero. Luka had understood and happily accepted any attention he was given. Adrien wandered her kitchen and started organizing, his eager gaze meeting hers. 

"Well little miss baker? Shall we?" 

Laughs echoed around the room as they worked, the two young adults lost in their own world. Marinette and Adrien danced around each other as each worked on their own recipe. Adrien would sneak a chocolate chip from her bag, earning him a splash of flour to the face in retaliation. He would fire back with his own dollop of dough to her nose, laughing as the shorter girl failed to do the same to him.

Marinette watched from the corner of her eye as he worked and she couldn't escape the thoughts of his hands as he rolled the balls of dough, wondering what it would be like to feel them on her own body. His lips pursed in concentration and his nose would twitch in annoyance when he messed up.  

Once all the cookies were in the oven they started cleaning up, Adrien taking the dishes as she cleaned the counters. Marinette made them mugs of hot chocolate and slid one to him as she held up a can of whipped cream.

"Want some?"

Adrien nodded eagerly and went to grab the can only for her to pull it back, a flirty grin on her face. "You want it? Come get it." He grinned back at her and before she could register what had happened he pounced, one hand gripping her hip and the other her wrist as he backed her into the counter. He hovered over her and moved his hand to grab the can, a teasing grin flashing down at her.

"Looks like I win."

Marinette scoffed playfully and quirked a brow. "What, you wanting a prize?" He gazed at her expectantly before holding the can to her lips and squirting a dab on her bottom lip. She held back a gasp as his head dipped down, lips capturing hers and tongue swiping the cream. His hands found her hips as he pressed her further into the counter, her legs spreading to allow him closer. Marinette gripped his shirt and pulled him closer, intoxicated by the blond. Adrien trailed his lips from hers down to her neck, soft kisses cascading in the path down.

His lips found the scar of his fangs, a hidden grin flashing on his face. Marinette had blamed a friend's cat for the wound, saying it was no big deal and everything was okay, unaware that said cat was watching her stumble for an excuse. 

A loud chime broke them apart, Adrien's phone lighting up where it lay forgotten on the coffee table. He could see his master's name on the screen from his position and cursed to himself, promising the man a lecture on timing. He looked down at a flushed Marinette and smirked as she looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I should probably check that."

Marinette nodded dumbly before snapping back to reality, face burning darker. She had made out with THE Adrien Agreste. The neighbor she only exchanges light pleasantries with. She watched as he picked up his phone, his face going from satisfied to murderous. She moved from behind the counter and slowly made her way to him, soft hand reaching out in an attempt to comfort him.

"Adrien, you okay?"

He quickly shut his phone screen off as she got close and shoved it in his pocket, eyes hard. 

"I need to go."

Without a word he spun and walked out her door, not even a glance sent her way. Marinette stared at the door in shock. She was alone again. 

Chat Blanc stormed over the rooftops, blue eyes hard. Of all moments to get a contract, it was during his time with Marinette. He would be lying if he claimed not to feel any attraction to her, a possessive urge to make her his after the first time he had been in her dorm as Blanc. He scanned the streets for his contract, eyes flicking occasionally to his staff and the picture displayed.

Joe Horn, a cop known for unnecessary use of force. According to his client, Horn had assaulted his son in front the man's daughter, the man refusing to drop his daughter's birthday cake as Horn attempted to arrest him for a petty warrant. His son had ended up face down in the cake and his daughter was left screaming as her father was carted away, the six year old crying for her father. The client wanted justice and for thirty thousand, Chat was more than happy to help.

Chat spotted the policeman's cruiser parked near a gas station, the fat man inside paying little attention to his surroundings. 

To easy. 

Chat jumped down into the alley and called off his transformation. Adrien quickly tore his clothes and made a small cut on his palm, smearing the blood on his shirt. He put on his best hurt expression and forced tears to his eyes before running up and slamming his hands into the car windows.

"Help me!"

Horn jumped out the car and looked Adrien over, his brown eyes scanning over Adrein as he towered over him. While the man was heavy he was also tall, an issue Adrien knew wouldn't come to be a problem.

"Please, I need help. These guys jumped me and took everything! I barely got away but I don't know if they followed me or not!"

Horn quickly opened the back door and ushered him inside before running back to the driver side. He opened the window to the back and started the car, to preoccupied to see the feral grin on the blond. Officer Horn started to reach for his radio before a green light flashed brightly behind him, Horn's eyes snapping to the rear view mirror, only to meet ice blue eyes.

Chat gave a small wave before a clawed hand reached through the window and dug into Horn's throat, claws slashing and blood spraying. Horn choked on his blood as the eyes watched him with a satisfied smirk. Chat slid open his staff and pulled out a small slice of cake with a candle. He quickly lit it and exited the car, moving to place the treat in the passenger seat. With one last look he leapt onto the nearest roof and took off, grin still plastered on his face. 

"Happy birthday asshole."

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