HC: In tuned Elements

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Shower thought time:

When it comes to the elements of water, wind, fire, light, and dark, there always seem to be some character traits associated with each one.
For example: Fire characters tend to be hot-headed; Water characters tend to be more chill; Dark characters are edgy-

But of course we don't want to stereotype things here.
It's not saying that characters with this element will have this characteristic, but rather that this character has this characteristic and therefore will be most suitable for this element.

(Also, my headcannon that elements come with the soul/consciousness and is actually not physically inherited from parents, it just so happens that the offspring inherits similar characteristics from their parent and thus, most likely presents as the element of their parent.)

This thought initially sprouted from me realising that most wind units have there sh** pulled together, like they were most in tuned with their inner-self.

So, here are my headcannons on what each element is most in tuned with (barring corruption and shadow):

Water is most in tuned with the mind.
When I say the mind, it means it isn't limited to the mind of oneself. They tend to be intelligent and know not to act irrationally. They also usually use logic to persuade their audience, pandering to the others sense of rationality. Thus, they are the least impulsive of the bunch.
Water units usually pride themselves for having a strong and clear mind. However, at worse, they can get too caught up in their own intuition that they forget to consider feelings.


Wind is most in tuned with the spirit.
They know what they want to get done because they listen to the voices in their innermost self. This is why they can easily go with the flow and are in tuned with nature. Some might say they are quite one note with themselves, but that's because they are easily content with being true to themselves. This may cause a little problem if they get too content with life and have no deep desire to change, but usually their own values are enough to drive them forward.


Fire is most in tuned with the heart.
Aka emotions. They are the most passionate individuals and wear their heart on their sleeve. They also happen to be the ones who can cater to the emotions of others the easiest. Whether it is out of love or spite, these individuals are the ones who won't back down on how they feel about their situation, and thus can be quite stubborn or have explosive temper.


Light is most in tuned with the future.
This is mostly why they are regarded as optimist, they usually have their head up looking towards the next thing to do. They always look at the possibilities of what they will or will be able to do, hence why many leaders tend to be light units. Unfortunately, they can sometimes come off as shallow with their apparent disregard to past events, brushing it off as a piece of history. 


Darkness is most in tuned with the past.
No surprise from the opposite of light, they hold the most caution and wisdom when it is time to act. But this is why some are regarded as pessimistic due to overthinking about the ways things have gone wrong before, but vice versa a dark unit could also be optimistic if they often had good things happened to them. To conclude, they often base their current actions with experience from the past.


Neutral is most in tuned with the present.
They are the most grounded in reality followed second by wind units. They know what their current self can do and will act when necessary. They won't be caught up in their head and usually live and act in the moment. 


Of course, all the aforementioned is a nature. Anyone's upbringing may change what an individual is most in tuned with.


Also, sudden upload surprise, I guess? Yay.

Don't worry I have a big chapter in store for next time.

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