Thoughts: Frost

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Image above was taken from Lunime's giphy page.

Time to write down my feelings and opinions towards the Elsa of Gacha World, FROST!

Okay, but seriously, I know she's programmed to make frozen references but it kind of gets old, especially if it's a specific type of joke.

I'll be going over what we know about her in canon and telling you what I got out of each piece of dialogue, so I'll keep HCs to the minimum.


My first impressions of her weren't all too big, just that she had the ice guardian motif down to the bone. Overall, not much to say.

On second playthrough, one of the first things I took note of her was...

"Xkour is in trouble? Why wasn't I notified of this?"

At first, I thought it was funny if the other guardians just left her out of the loop. But this was when I realized that... none of the other guardians seemed to know about the dire state Xkour is in. From this dialogue, it seems that the guardians would notify each other about any new occurrences no matter what. Thus, Frost found it strange she had never heard of such thing, and I hope she didn't assume that she was purposefully left out of the loop. But anyway, I would assume she did notify the rest of the guardians of the newcomer taking the trials and the so-called "trouble" Xkour is facing.


I realized that Frost is the most helpful guardian out of the pact, giving some assistance to any newcomer to the trial. She definitely had nothing against the summoner and even actively guide them through her trials. In fact, she even warned them a bit about the final trial being a little different than usual. Of course, she wasn't as enthusiastic as Inferno since she's more of a reserved and level-headed individual.

So, why wouldn't someone helpful like her tell us about Kilios' state? She definitely wants to help us and Xkour. Enter, my previous theory, that she simply didn't know about what's actually going on.

"It is our duty to ensure Xkour is safe, but our commands to stay here cannot change."

If you want to say that Frost simply couldn't move from her position as the first guardian because her programming said so, then I'll first point to Vale as she intercepted the summoner after Gwen's trial. And if you say Vale was just being commanded by C!Kilios then I'll point out how after Kilios is defeated, all the guardians come to him, moving away from their assigned position.

Case and point, these programs do have their own freedom in their world.

Frost probably thought that the situation wasn't dire enough to warrant a break away from her usual position, again due to being unaware (and memory wiped).


"I'm sorry, but orders are orders."

After Ellie complains about the fire monsters in her trial, it is clear Frost feels some remorse for that but will still follow any orders assigned to her. She recognizes how unfair this may seem. Maybe she's seen quite a few players attempt the trials and fail because of how hard it was, so switching things up for the final part was a little too much. Maybe she even wants people to pass her trials so the other guardians have a chance at doing something, especially Inferno who was clearly bored.


Once again, I just want to thank Frost for acknowledging the Summoner's efforts in saving Kilios and clearing things up.


"Freeze! You've gone too far!"

Okay, first off, the obvious icy speech patterns. I don't have much to say about this quote aside from the emphasis on "going too far". So, what I get is that she doesn't really like the idea of going to the extremes, which I guess fits with how reserved she is. (Of course, in the context of where the quote appears, it makes sense for her to say that.)


"[...] can't be frozen forever. I won't accept this!"

And, apparently, Frost doesn't seem to take the passing of someone lightly. I mean, she barely knew the person and she's already deep in the first stage of grief, denial. Maybe she did enjoy that person's company for a while, even if it was a short time.

The idea that Frost isn't one to get over grief as easily is definitely intriguing.


Frost's relations to the other guardians seems quite chill, not much to talk about there without threading headcannon territory. Although, from her line of "orders are orders", I would assume she respects and is on great-terms with Gwen.


Now moving onto Gacha Resort, which I only consider quarter-canon (nope, not even semi-canon):

Frost being a popsicle at the beach is supposed to be somewhat a joke. But her being an outcast because of it despite being quite friendly and actually wanting to make more friends is lowkey sad... Fortunately, Maid Sana seems to understand her perks of being cool at the beach. And I'm glad that Frost did end up making three more friends.


"Want to watch a freezing movie later?"

Yep, Frost loves movie nights.


I think that's all I can say for Frost. Not sure why I feel she's a bit underrated when she clearly does have some fanart.

Hence, all I got from Frost from canon was that she's relatively reserved, helpful as the first guardian should be, does care about Xkour, and doesn't really take grief well.

Maybe one day I'll write a chapter about all my headcannons for Frost (and the rest of the guardians), but before that, I'll need to get out my thoughts on the other guardians first.

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