Terms and Index

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*This chapter is reserved for index terms and index.


Thoughts: [...]
-My thoughts/opinions on a specific subject. May contain biases and a few headcannons to make sense of story presented in Gacha World. Warning: Lowkey rambling.

Idea: [...]
-Ideas for AUs or other things I've thought about with a bit too much dedication put into them.

HC: [...]
-Headcannons of a specific subject. May contain some canon info/evidence. May include theories.

XQuotes: [...]
-Incorrect quotes (or any other dialogues) from random sources. May be modified to suit characters. (I used these to visualize fun/funny character dynamics)

Tidbit #[ ]
-Things/coincidences in games that I only found/thought about because I was bored.

QueXtion: [...]
-Me asking the readers if they know something I don't know regarding Lunime (I might still be missing some info), or just asking them about opinions regarding certain headcannons.

Delusion [_00]
-Me using a crap ton of time editing fake screenshots for immersion. Worth it.

Dump: #[ ]
-Me dumping/posting some content that cannot be categorised into any of the aforementioned. Including fanart.

Other #[ ]
-Anything else that cannot fit into the categories above. Usually stuff kind of unrelated to the games.



#001 - Thoughts: Xkour Skylines
-I explain my love towards Xkour Skyline as a chapter, lore and gameplay wise

#002 - Dump #1
-Cover art for this book

#003 - HC: Unaware of the Truth
-Theory about how the guardians were unaware about Kilios' corruption

#004 - XQuotes: Fitting Marshmallows
-Inferno attempts to fit marshmallows into his mouth...

#005 - Tidbit #1
-Number of words in active skill names

#006 - XQuotes: Spaghetti Notebook
-Gwen asks for suggestion on her notebook...

#007 - Tidbit #2
-The Xkour Skyline's bg has some thought put into it

#008 - Idea: Xkour Troubles 1
-Extra Quest Xkour Boss Fight Idea, Gameplay

#009 - Idea: Xkour Troubles 2
-Extra Quest Xkour Boss Fight Idea, Dialogue

#010 - Tidbit #3
-Seven sins, "seven" bosses

#011 - Thoughts: Boss' Misdeeds
-All the harm each boss of GW had done should not be ignored

#012 - HC: The Guardian Trials
-The elements are just code names for different attributes

#013 - Dump #2
-An example of GW's inconsistent dialogue

#014 - XQuotes: Deal with the Situation
-Cyto, the survivor who witnessed the corruption happening in Xkour...

#015 - XQuotes: Stab Someone?
-Would the guardians stab someone?

#016 - HC: "Serious" personality
-Comparing how differently "serious" Gwen and Vale are

#017 - Other #1
-I've decided to get Gacha Resort...

#018 - Idea: Gacha Resort Vale
-Just that. Vale in GR

#019 - Idea: Gacha Resort Cele
-And that. Cele in GR

#020 - Idea: Gacha Resort Cindy
-Finally that. Cindy in GR

#021 - XQuotes: Fight me, coward!
-Vale is full of spite, and she wants to fight... (with skits)

#022 - Other #2
-Ah yes, shipping opinions. General shipping opinion.

#023 - Dump #3
-THIS. This is my Gacha Luck's ultimate form.

#024 - HC: Creator Luni or Lucas?
-Having two creators is such a confusing thing... not for me though.

#025 - Thoughts: Frost
-So, what did I get out of "canon" about the coldest guardian?

#026 - Dump #4
-Ultimate limit break! For 4 stars. Also, I discuss my preferences.

#027 - Dump #5
-Pairings. Celto and Speed Valley edits.

#028 - XQuotes: You were hanging out with her!?
-Either Blaz is an overprotective brother, or he hates Cyto that much.

#029 - Tidbit #4
-Up, Down, Left, Right, Jump? With the guardians.

#030 - Thoughts: Origins of Speed Valley
-How and why I started shipping Speed Valley.

#031 - Idea: Dice's Active Skill
-The solution to fixing Dice's gameplay. Its a skill issue.

#032 - Tidbit #5
-Speed Valley and Phanvier. Do they have something in common?

#033 - XQuotes: Like my coffee
-Like my women. (No Xkour peeps)

#034 - Thoughts: Inferno
-What did I think about Xkour's most fun-loving guardian?

#035 - XQuotes: Is stabbing immoral?
-Luna is learning about the world. Thankfully, the players are there......

#036 - HC: Luni and the Luniverse
-Some details regarding my version of Gacha World and the Luniverse.

#037 - Tidbit #6
-Gacha World Gem Farming Alignment Chart

#038 - Thoughts & HC: Guardian Attire
-4/5 of the guardians have no armour? No problem.

#039 - QueXtion: Cele & Blaz
-Just realized that I never saw confirmation on who is older.

#040 - Dump #6
-Let's play a game: Figure out the similarities

#041 - Dump #6 - Continued
-Answers to Dump #6

#042 - Dump #7
-Hallowe'en baby! Just a Scarecrow Kilios art piece here.

#043 - Thoughts: Gwen
-The question being what is realised on topic of Xkour's disciplined guardian.

#044 - Delusion 100
-My current progress and perspective in Gacha Resort

#045 - Thoughts: Xkour is Confusing
-Based on info we know... is Xkour considered a real world?

#046 - Idea: Cheery/Lolita Swap
-Mainly because Cheery doesn't make sense in Elementia

#047 - XQuote: Tol Boyfriend
-Cyto may be a little too tall for Luna...

#048 - Dump #8
-GL2 designs of the Xkour peeps + codes 

#049 - XQuotes: It was a great morning...
-Basically Gwen's every morning 

#050 - Tidbit #7
-Found some scrapped unused dialogue for some of the story units 

#051 - HC: In tuned Elements
-What the elements are most in tuned with. 

#052 - Thoughts: Kilios
-What do I have to say about speedy boi, guardian leader here? 


*This page is subject to change as more content is added.

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