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Over the weekend, the snow had laid it's foundation over Prince Edward island, making it colder than ever and signifying the upcoming winter season. Christmas was soon. Gilbert trudged through the thick snow with heavy boots on, as well as his big coat. Elizabeth had slept all through the night and day yesterday, and was still asleep today on the Sunday. She missed church, which was very unusual for her but Gilbert wasn't in the right mind to wake her up after what happened on Friday.

He thought about her crying all last night, his heart breaking every time he heard it. He checked on her continuously, waiting for her to wake up so they could talk, but she just wouldn't. It was like she had been cursed to stay in a deep sleep forever, haunted by her own melancholy. Sebastian had told him he saw her with her eyes open and tried to speak to her, but she wouldn't answer. She only turned over and went back to sleep.

On the horizon, he could see a grand house with an expansive farm. The Andrews Farm. Gilbert thought it would be smart to go to the house and thank Billy for helping Elizabeth when nobody else would, no matter how much the pair hated each other.

The sun casted a long shadow of the Andrew's farm, which felt a little like he was willingly walking into the darkness. He was unsure of how this meeting would go, but he hoped it would go well on behalf of Elizabeth. He needed to know how it had worked out this way. And Billy must have helped her well if Elizabeth could handle the books so well.

He walked up to the house and took a deep breath. This is not what he thought he would be doing on his arrival back. To be honest, he didn't know what he thought he'd be doing. He thought he'd be cleaning up the mess of a farm, but there was no mess, Elizabeth had made sure of it. Everything was upgraded and in perfect working order, they'd never ran so well before. The only mess was Elizabeth and Gilbert's relationship, which needed tentative string to sew it back together.

Knock, knock, knock.

A woman quickly appeared at the door. Mrs Harmon Andrews - the head of the progressive mother's group, where they pushed for higher education for woman. She did not like how Elizabeth had been put in charge of the farm, potentially ruining it and ruining her potential to progress to higher education.

"Oh, Gilbert. You're back," She said with a tight smile. "I hope you are settled, dear."

Gilbert nodded. "Yes, Mrs Andrews, thank you. I have come to speak to your son," he said firmly, his hands in his pockets, attempting to find some shred of warmth in this winter.

"One moment, please," she replied, closing the door behind her. He could hear her climbing up the stairs to fetch Billy, who was assumedly in his room, before returning to the door. "He's right here for you, Gilbert."

"Gilbert?" He heard Billy say from behind the door, before opening it.

They had both grown over the past year. They had shot up in height, their faces became more defined, teeth got straighter and hair a little longer. They looked like young men as opposed to boys now, which almost shocked both of them.

Billy's blonde hair had darkened to a dirty blonde/light brown, whereas Gilbert's seemed to have lightened slightly in the Trinidadian sun.

Billy's jaw opened from the shock of seeing Gilbert, his mind immediately racing to Elizabeth. He wondered how she had reacted to seeing Gilbert. He wondered if she had cried or pinched that bruised wrist of hers. After what had happened yesterday, he couldn't seem to tear his mind away from the girl. "Gilbert."


"You're finally back," Billy said monotonously, with a deadpan expression. "I don't blame you. I wouldn't want a woman running my farm, either," he spat out in disgust.

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