Lunchbox Friends

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Evelin's pov

I walked through the lunch hall with my lunchbox in my hands, that's when i made eye contact with Bill.

He smiled at me, "Eve, come!"

I rush over to the table and sit down in the seat next to Tom and across from Bill, i smile, "Sup."
"I'm still not happy with you two, betting money on me is rude." Tom groaned, "Ugh, i beg Irma doesn't come up to me."

"Just break up with her, Tom." I chuckle, "I know she's not pleasant to be around, you know, Bill had to pay for her bus fair this morning."

"What?" Tom looks at us confused.

Bill shrugs, "Irma was trying to make Eve pay for her bus fair, but i didn't want Eve to be her slave anymore."

"Oh, fair enough." Tom breathes in, "Fine, i'll do it. I'll break up with her, but not today-"

I put my finger on Tom's lip, "I've had enough of your yapping, shush." I move my hand back to my lunchbox, i opened it up just for it to be.. empty.

"What?!" I say to myself, "I could've sworn i packed this."

"You did." A voice giggled from behind me, i turned around and saw Irma laughing at me, "And i enjoyed it at break time."

I stood up from my chair, "You ate my lunch?!"
"You're going to hit me over a lunch box." Irma laughed, "Pathetic, no wonder Mum and Pops love me more."

"I swear to FUCK!" I shout before going to swing at her, but Bill leant over the table and grabbed the hood of my jumper pulling me back.

"No, Eve!" Bill says to me as i sat back down with my back leant against the table, i crossed my arms in anger.

Bill whispered in my ear, "Try not to get kicked out on the first day."
"She shouldn't be a bitch." I whispered back to him.

Irma laughed, "As i said, Pathetic. Tom, come with me." She said before walking away.

Tom panicked, "I have to go with her, i'm sorry! I'll see you guys later." He says before rushing off behind Irma.

I scoff as i turned back around to face Bill, "Why does he let her control his life?"

"That, i don't know." Bill sighed as he continued to eat his lunch.


Later that evening...

Back at home..

I was laid down on my bed with Zoey laid down next to me as i did both mine and Irma's work.

Irma never did any work, i always had to do it as Mum demanded to me.
Because allegedly Irma was way too busy to do any work.

I hummed a tune to myself as i continued to do our maths homework when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said as i looked up, in came Mum holding a pizza box, i looked at her confused, "I didn't order anything."

Mum throws the pizza box on my bed, "Well, the guy said it was for you, so you obviously did." She sighs, "Thanks for doing Irma's homework, love."
"Yeah, whatever." I said as i looked at the pizza box.

Mum walks out and shuts the door behind her, i grab the pizza box as i noticed there was a note ontop of it.

I grabbed the note and read it.

Tell Zoey that i'm sorry for taking the last slice.
And that she's the cutest dog in the world.
Tom :)

I softly chuckled to myself as i turned to Zoey, "Looks like dinner was on Tom, tonight."

As i went to open the box, my phone started buzzing. I grabbed my phone and open it to see who was calling.

Unknown Number Calling...

I pick it up, "Hello?"

"Did the food arrive?" Tom said down the other end of the phone.

"How'd you get my number?" I ask him confused.

"Bill gave it to me." Tom said, "I'm also bored on this very rainy evening."

"Tom, why are you being so nice to me?" I stutter, "I've only ever been mean to you since you got with Irma."

He chuckles, "You gave me a slice of pizza out of kindness."

"So you ordered me a whole pizza?" I chuckle, "Zoey thanks you."

"Good, because i didn't order it for you." Tom laughs down the phone.

I roll my eyes, "Wow, so it's like that is it? Expect a shattered egg in your school bag tomorrow if it is!" I giggle.

"Expect no lunch again tomorrow then!" Tom says as he holds back his laughter.

I sulk, "That's not funny, i had to go whole day starving."

"Poor Eve." Tom sarcastically laughed down the phone, "Well, i love talking to you, but i've got to go."

"You called me, dumbass."

Tom scoffs playfully, "Whatever.. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Unless i change schools over night." I chuckle, "Goodbye, Tom."

"Bye, Eve." He says before hanging up the phone.

I chuck my phone beside me, i found it weird Tom being nice to me all of a sudden.

I always hated him because he is with Irma, but he is alright after all.


Tom's pov

I hung up the phone to Eve.

I was sat on my windowsill looking out of my window as it poured down with rain, i heard a suddenly knock on my door making me turn my head.

There stood Bill with his arms crossed, "You're in love with her, aren't you?"
I look at him confused, "Irma? Of course she's my girlfriend-"

"No." Bill sighed, "Eve, she's the girl you've been talking about all summer. Not Irma, Evelin. You're in love with Evelin."

I looked back out my window, "Want a smoke?"

Bill chuckles, "Sure." He walked through my room and jumped onto my bed, he sat down on my windowsill next to me.

I grabbed the cigarettes and lighter i had in my pocket, i hand them to Bill and sigh out, "I'm not in love with my girlfriend's sister." I say as i take a cigarette.

Bill chuckles, "That's like saying i'm not your twin." He lights his cigarette then gives the lighter to me, "Eve is amazing, i love her to bits.

She's a lot nicer and kinder than Irma will ever be. Eve is miss understood all the time because Irma is the favourite. Bet you didn't even know they have a younger sister."

I light my cigarette, "I'm not that much of a shit boyfriend, of course i knew that." I inhale my cigarette, "Fine, i'm in love with Eve but that doesn't mean i'm not in love with Irma. I fell in love with Irma first."

Bill chuckled, "Are you going to admit your feelings to Eve?"

"No, why would i do that?" I shake my head, "I don't want to ruin whatever relationship i have with Eve. The second Irma would find out, Eve would be dead. Even if we haven't done anything. Irma is mental." I put my cigarette out, "But i've actually got to get over there, Irma wanted me over."

"You can say no." Bill sighs, "Me and Mama barely spend anytime with you anymore."

"I know, and i'll sort it out soon." I sigh, "I promise."

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