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Evelin's pov

I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm, i grumbled as i woke myself up and looked at the time.

Okay, it's 6:45 am now, that gives me 45 minutes to get ready for the bus.

I sat up and breathed out, "You can do this, Eve. Just one more year of this then you're done." I turned to my side and realised Zo had fallen asleep on my bed last night. I smile as i pat her head, "Good girl." That's when i had realised, Golden Retrievers are the best type of dog.

I got up out of bed, making Zoey jump out of my bed to follow me. I opened my bedroom door giggling as i let Zoey walk out before me, "After you, m'lady." I giggled as i followed behind her waggy tail.

2 minutes later...

I walked into the kitchen with Zoey following behind me, there i saw my mother making breakfast and Ruth in her high chair eating her breakfast.

I walked over to my mum, "Morning, mama! Is pops at work already?" I kissed her on the cheek before turning around to walk to Ruth.

"Ja, your father left 10 minutes ago." Mum laughs as i walk up to Ruth, "She's eating, don't pick her up!"

I rushed over to Ruth as she giggled, i picked her up out from her seat and spin her around, "How can i not?!" I smile as i sit her on my hip and hold her up.

Ruth giggles as she hugs me, "Morning, sissy!"
Mum looked at us smiling, "Fine, but be quick with the cuddles, you need to feed the dog."

"You mean, the dog that Irma was supposed to look after?" I mutter under my breath.

"Hey." Mum says as she points at me, "I heard that, don't give me attitude. After you've feed the dog, go wake your sister up."

"Yes, ma'am." I sigh before turning my attention back to Ruth, "You're just so adorable, missy!" I smile.

I really didn't want to go to school, as i knew i'd be getting bullied by my own sister.
She acts like we're not related in school and at home.

Man, i hate Irma.
I hate her so much.


1 hour later...

I stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus, obviously.

I decided to not dress so revealing, it wasn't cold nor was it hot. I wore some jeans that came just below my lower stomach and a vest top that sat on just above my jeans leaving a gap of skin out. I wore a half jumper, it only covered just below my boobs. And obviously, jewellery and my school bag.

The bus had finally arrived, i stepped onto it and walked up to the drivers window, it was the old kind guy Jim driving the bus this morning.

I smiled as i handed him €3, "Morgen, Jim."
"Morgen, Eve!" He smiles, "€3, perfect! Take a seat."

"Thanks, Jim. Have a nice day." I smile before walking off into the bus. I saw Bill sat at the back looking out the window listening to music, completely oblivious to me walking up to him.

I sat down next to him and jolt him with my hands, "Boo!" I whisper near his ear.

Bill jumped as he ripped out his earphones from his ears, he turns to me, "Eve! You scared me!"
I place my feet on the back of seat in front of me giggling, "Your face, i should've took a photo."
Bill punched me playfully, "Idiot."

"You love me, though!" I chuckled.

Bill smiles as he rests his head on my shoulder, "You're right." He sighs, "I so want to be in bed right now."

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