Night World Part 1

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New York City, also known as the Big Apple, the Melting Pot and other names, but the nickname it is best known for in the natural and unnatural world is the city that never sleeps.

A man walks on the full moon with a big smile on his face seeing that his beloved city is still full of life despite it being past three in the morning, taxis pass by on the roads turning them yellow, homeless men already sleep in discreet places next to their shopping carts filled with god knows what, gangs patrol the streets, prostitutes lurk in dark corners to see if anyone will hire them, drug dealers sell their wares looking in every corner for fear that the police might turn on them at any moment, drunks and traitors try to enter the house without waking the family, some more successful than others, but none of this has anything to do with the man with the smile, after all that was not his world, no, no his world was darker, more mysterious and ancient.

The man walks listening to his music through his headphones, all in good spirits and jumping around. Anyone who saw him would say he must be crazy, especially since he was wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night. However, it's New York City, a crazy person walking the streets is not uncommon. That and one or two screams. However, one scream caught our man's attention, a scream from a woman that he could hear very well despite listening to music very loudly. He pulls his black hair back, adjusts his headphones and long winter coat, and goes after the mysterious scream.

Although the scream was clearly one of panic and fear, the man walked calmly until he reached the source of the sound, a dark alley where only trash and rats would normally be. However, tonight there was something more. Five men wearing suits and ties, were holding a woman who was on the ground, unable to move. Her white coat was dirty with mud from the previous rain. The buttons on her shirt had broken, revealing her black bra and pale skin. Her jeans were also down, but not much, just enough to see that the panties she was wearing were also black.Four of the men were holding her arms and legs. The fifth had his mouth stuck in her neck, where a trickle of blood was running down her neck. The woman's senses were almost lost due to the amount of blood she had already lost. Despite this, she could see the man in front of her in a blur. She tried to ask for help in vain because she didn't even have the strength to speak. One of the men noticed that she was looking at someone and immediately turned around to see the man smiling.

"Jo!" said the man.

The one who was drinking the blood stops right after his friend called his attention, looking at the smiling man, his eyes were red and his canines bigger than a human being, he looks the smiling man up and down, analyzing him.

"What are you waiting for? Get rid of him " as he says this he puts his teeth back into the woman's neck.

The eyes of the four men also turn red and at an inhuman speed they go to the smiling man's feet. The first one to arrive appears behind the man and removes his headphones and mp3 player to the floor.

"Sorry bro, wrong time, wrong place."

The vampire opens his mouth wide, showing his canines, and prepares to sink his teeth into the man's neck, but when the canines hit his skin, they break.


The vampire didn't even have time to think about what happened when he felt the man's hand grab his tie and pull it down with all his strength. The vampire hit his head on the ground, opening a crater in the concrete floor. With the impact, half of the vampire's head turned to red paste and his body very quickly began to age and turn to ash, leaving only his clothes behind. The other vampires who were going to attack the man hesitated to approach, still confused.The man took advantage of this and walked through them calmly. The vampires, as if feeling the strength of that man, didn't move, but they felt an intense pain in their veins, a burning pain, but from the inside out. The vampires kneeled in pain and their heads began to blister until they exploded, spreading blood everywhere. However, the blood didn't last long because it evaporated quickly and their bodies, like the previous one, aged quickly and turned to ash.The last vampire who was drinking the girl's blood soon realizes the danger and tries to run away, but he feels a great burning in his legs that soon explode and he falls to the ground screaming in pain, even with the pain he tries to calm down and looks at the man seeing his large canines in the middle of his smile and his red eyes through the sunglasses.

"'re one of us! Why are you doing this!"

"Why, why ask the child who knows nothing"

The man approaches the vampire, looks him in the eyes and says.

"You think you could kill the flock and the shepherd wouldn't release the dog to the coyotes"

"But, but I need to drink! The thirst...the thirst is uncontrollable"

"You don't need to kill to quench your thirst, the last thing we want is for the flock to know that there are wolves among them."

"I didn't know! I swear!"

"You didn't know? Didn't your creator tell you anything?"

"Creator? The one who gave me this? I don't know... I never saw him again."

"I understand, an abandoned one... you had bad luck in life... maybe in the next life you'll have better luck."

" Wait a minute...I..."

The vampire didn't even have time to finish his sentence because a blade of blood coming out of the man's hand cuts off his head, his head flies high into the air and by the time it had reached the ground it had already turned to ash. The man picks up the cell phone, pulls the protective cover up and puts it to his ear.

"It's done...yes, everyone dead, no're welcome, anything just ask"

The man hangs up the call and prepares to leave when something grabs his leg. He looks down at the floor and sees the blonde woman grabbing his pants.

"Oh you're still alive."

He pulls his leg so she can take her hand away and bends down a little to see her condition.

"It seems that you lost a lot of blood, by the time an ambulance arrives you will be dead... in short, you were unlucky. Maybe your god will give you another chance."

The man gets up to leave, but the woman, with the last of her strength, goes back to holding his pants.

"Look, can't you die in peace?"

The man looks into her blue eyes that despite everything still shine with a desire to live.

" really want to live, huh? " he lowers himself again " you know I heard that the other side isn't that bad...unless you've sinned a lot, but I'm not the one to decide."

Woman chokes on her own blood.

"...are you sure you want to live? There are worse fates than death."

The woman holds his pants even tighter.

" Very well if that's what you want, but remember, it was your choice."

The man opens his mouth wide, showing his canines, and bites her neck.

End of chapter

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