New Born part 2

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"The Smile Night? Really? Is this some kind of joke? "Ash asks, looking at everyone.

"That's what our clan is called. "Alucard replies. "Not by our choice, but the name stuck."

"Clan? As in vampire clan? Really?"

"Well, we have to organize ourselves somehow "says Olivier "In New York, for example, there are..."

"The girl has just woken up Olivier, don't bother her with politics.

A man's voice was heard in the room, Ash couldn't tell where it was coming from. Ash looked around frightened, unlike the others in the room who were calm and smiling.


Ash hears the sound coming from her right ear and moves to the left, still startled she sees a young man in his twenties with black hair and red eyes, he was wearing round sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt completely open showing his muscles, denim shorts and flip-flops, on his right arm near his shoulder he had a tattoo of a hand showing his middle finger and the word god underneath, on his left arm he had another tattoo located on his hand in the shape of a pentagram with some symbols that Ash had never seen, a little above the tattoo on his hand he had another one saying no regrets, another thing that caught Ash's eye was a string with five canines that he wore around his neck. He was leaning down a little because he was whispering in Ash's ear. He looked at her with a big smile and stood up straight without ever losing his smile.

"You, you, you're the one who killed Jonathan!!! "says Ash pointing at the man.

"You're welcome."

"I'll call the police!!!"

"Oook, it's not what I expected... Olivier?

"She's still in a bit of shock."

"All right, leave us alone."

Ash feels a breeze despite being in a clearly closed room and the next thing she knows; the others have disappeared leaving only her and the man alone.

"Nice to meet you Ash, wait do you like to be called Ashley or Ash."

Ash stares at the man and tries to control her fear.

"Ash is okay."

"Okay Ash, my friends and family call me Nica."

"Nica? "He gives a half-smile "and what do your enemies call you?"

"My enemies? I never thought of that... half the time they just call me AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Nica lets out another smile, but Ash doesn't find it funny and continues to stare at him.

"I know I'm handsome, but if you keep looking at me like that, you'll make me blush... if I could blush, I'm dead after all."

"Yes, because you're a vampire, aren't you?"

Nica smiles even wider than before.

"You understand quickly."

"I just understand that you're all crazy."

Nica smiles and the next thing Ash knows, he's disappeared again.

"Or is it you who's going crazy?"

Ash hears his voice coming from behind her and turns around to see him sitting on a chair.

"Stop... just stop."

"But your reaction is so funny."

"I don't know how you do do that shit...I just want to leave."

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