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Everyone was at the Curtis's. They were helping them decorate the Christmas tree so Darry had extra hands. "I wish we gotten the bigger tree," Darry said, "I told you!" Hazel said as she put Christmas ornaments on the branches.

"Holy shit, I just realized that Hazel's leaving soon," Twobit said as he drank his beer, "Yeah, but we don't say that. Dallas gets pissed off about it," Johnny said, "I ain't pissed off. I'm just surprised that it's happening soon," Dallas said as he sat on the couch.

"Well, I'm still gonna stay in contact with you guys," Hazel said, "How? They gonna have individual phones in the dorms?" Sodapop said, "No. I was just gonna write to you guys. Probably the easiest way to catch up," Hazel said as she put the last ornament on the tree.

"Did you get your diploma?" Johnny asked, "Yeah, it came in the mail yesterday," Hazel said, "Shit, so you are leaving," Ponyboy said, "You guys are acting like I'm never gonna see you again," Hazel said, "What if you decide that Massachusetts is a better place then Tulsa?" Steve said.

"No place is better the Tulsa. It's my home. That ain't gonna change," Hazel said with a smile, "At least Dally will have a good lawyer that he can go to if he gets into shit again," Johnny said, "Haha, very funny," Dallas sarcastically laughed.

"I think that he'll be fine. Well, tree looks amazing, eggnog was delicious, but I'm super tired," Hazel said as she looked at Dallas. Dallas stood up from the couch as soon as they made eye contact. "Really? Already tired?" Johnny said, "It's very hard to be a graduate and also have to pack in ten days for university," Hazel said with a pouty face.

"You guys walk home safely. It's super cold," Darry said, "We'll be fine, see ya later," Dallas said as he held the door open for Hazel, then he followed her outside. Hazel linked her arm with Dallas's as they walked to Bucks. "I can't believe that you're already leaving. Where the fuck did the time go?" Dallas said.

"Time flies when you're having fun," Hazel said, "What was so fun about this year?" Dallas asked. Nothing was good or "fun" for Hazel. She had the worst life imaginable. "I got to be with you. I'd say that's pretty fun," Hazel said, "You're just saying that," "I'm being serious!" Hazel whined.

"I know, I'm just bugging you," Dallas said with a smile, causing Hazel to roll her eyes, "But do you think that I could tag along with you when you leave?" Dallas asked, "Woah. You're seriously not ready for me to leave," Hazel said, "Obviously not Hazel. You're the only person that I can talk to about anything."

"What about Johnny? Or Pony?" "They don't have to brains for that stuff. And you actually made me stop doing bad shit," "Except when you stole this," Hazel said as she pointed to her necklace, "That's different. I actually got the money for it," "That you stole," "Man, you're really pushing my patience tonight."

"I'm sorry. It's just funny when you get mad," Hazel said with a laugh. That laugh always drove Dallas insane. Now imagine him without hearing that laugh, or that voice, or seeing that face. That beautiful face. "I don't think you should go," Dallas let out with a sigh.

"Dal, you've said that to me how many times. I'm sorry, but I'm leaving. But I'll still phone Buck's and the Curtis's with the pay phone. And I'll even write to you!" Hazel said as they approached Buck's, "What if I get into shit? Or jail? What if I die-" "You're overthinking it baby," Hazel said as they walked into the house.

"Is Buck home?" Hazel asked, "He's gonna be home soon," Dallas said as he took Hazel's coat off, along with his and held them in his arms. "Well, I'm actually exhausted! So I'm gonna go hit the hey," Hazel said, "Okay, I'll be up there in a bit," Dallas said. Hazel gave him a small peck on the cheek and then walked up the stairs.

Dallas placed the coats on the couch next to the door, then he sat at the bar, resting his arms and head on the counter. Buck walked in, "Hey Dally," Buck said as he closed the door behind him, "Hey," Dallas said. He wasn't amused, "Are you good?" Buck asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Dallas said as he sat up, rubbing his eyes, "What's going on? Is it about Hazel leaving again?" Buck said, Dallas just nodded, "Do we have to have the talk again?" "No, I know that she's still leaving no matter what I do," "But..." "But what if I become my past self? What if I get into shit?"

"Trust me Dal, you won't," "How do you know?" "Because if you did, you know damn well that it would hurt Hazel. And you don't wanna hurt Hazel, do you?" "Absolutely not," "Then stop overthinking things and let her go. She's only gonna be gone till April! God, you're like a middle aged woman," Buck said as he walked up the stairs to his room.

Dallas rolled his eyes, got up, then walked up the stairs to his room. He closed the door behind him, then saw Hazel completely passed out on the bed. She was so tired from all of the packing, and the Christmas decorating. Dallas crawled in next to her and held her. He kissed her forehead and then passed out as soon as he closed his eyes.


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