Chapter 18: Where Can I Buy a Donut?

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OF HAVING THE CAKE and eating it too, where can I buy a donut?

THE store closes at 5 p.m. I am in no hurry whatsoever. I don't respond well to hourly stress. In fact, I ignore it. I am usually a relaxed punctual guy, with moderate enthusiasm to face my day. I am somewhat friendly, you'll catch me giving out courteous smiles to my neighbours, or a hello but not so far as a how are you. I don't know how my day is going, so the gesture is cordial enough for my acquaintances.

Today, I'm going to buy a donut.

I am determined to make it before the store is closed. The time is 4:45 and I'm putting on my shoes at the doorway. I greet my outdoor plant as I lock the door.

I bolt to the streets, in predicament, I'm unsure what direction I'm going to take. So I decided to do a circle around the block, that way its hard to miss. I know of my saunter so I was walking in  fast pace.

My thoughts are worried about my case, it seems that its been a while since my last donut. It protested. I've been a steward to my diet. I don't remember the last time I went out for food.

My mind started to race ahead of me, asking people of my loss. "Excuse me? Do you know where the donut store is?" It ridiculed. Yet, I stayed composed.

I know where the store was, I just don't know where exactly it is in proximation to my place. i'm stubborn and my mind is obstinate. I wonder if we'll come to an agreement at this corner of the street.

It is the end of the road. We walk in unison. In silence I approach it, and stop to look both ways. Both ways look identical. The stores are aligned in the same fashion. I stop to question my mind as it wonders of my fate. A person crosses the road in front of us, he looks like he knows his way. I was going to ask but - we know where the store is.

The time is 4:50 and I'm starting to think its impolite to barge in 10 minutes before their closing. Surely, it can't be that rude to ask for service at this hour. In my defence, I wasn't aware I was in a crisis.

I'm walking like a slug, I've lost my pace. It is expected. My mind says it is impossible, I say its concurrent.

The chance of making it in time is gradually turning into the theory of logarithmic 10.

They are both valid dichotomy.

I decide to close the circle, in the distance I can see very clearly all the detached stores. In my vision, I can't underestimate the power of advertising. Everything is so intensive.

I'm in need for help. In a car crash, pull out a calculator. Calculate the distance of my place to the neighbouring stores, 0.3 miles, then log10(5). That's 0.69897000433. This x100 equals my probability of making it in time. 69.89, yeah that's 70% chance. I'm looking at a radius in meters.

But. Where? Ask, not good with directions

I put my phone down, impressed with my methods.

I settled on a plan of action. To ask a walking crowd. They weren't together, but I stopped all of them. "Hey guys, do you know where I can buy a donut?" I sounded nervous, it was because I was running out of time.

"Its at the end of Richmond's street. Right at the back."

"Thank you." I exclaimed, knowing that my mind is put at ease. I know the place is close.

"It's a pink store with a huge donut built upfront." I remember the bright lights of their advertising.

"Thanks!" I responded. They walked the other direction. I'm humming.

At the end of the junction, I glance at a pink store, with a huge structure on top. Built just for my fancy. With five minutes to spare, I dash across the street to my utopia, the store is open.

I was late, but their slogan "Wake up and smell the donuts" was incisive. I opened the door, it rang. I don't smell the donuts. I'm very late.

Later I come out with a glazed donut in my hand and a pleased smile on my face. The store owner right behind me, turning over the door sign to closed.

I knew I would make it.

Where? Ask , not good with directions.

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