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This story is purely fictional and  all the characters, places and incidents are not related to anyone or copied from any other stories. This is purely my imagination. If the incidents in this story relate to anyone by any chance, it is purely a coincidence.

Copyright: Sujana Pulipati

All rights reserved and without the prior written permission of the author, no part of the story should be copied by any one or transformed into any audio or in any other ways.



“BUZZ …, BUZZ… ”.

The relentless buzzing of the mobile phone pierced through the quiet of the room, disturbing the person cocooned under the quilt. With a groan, they stirred, their hand emerging from the covers to reach for the phone. As they answered the call, they pulled the device back inside the quilt, their voice muffled but alert.

“Madam! It's an emergency. We've discovered the body of a thirteen-year-old girl in an isolated area near the station. It resembles the previous cases”.

The startling news made the person under the quilt throw it aside and sit upright with sudden urgency.

She was a young woman in her early twenties, exuding an air of elegance even in her disheveled state. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, and her almond-shaped eyes, large and penetrating, held a commanding presence. Her striking features, thick eyebrows, long lashes, a sharp nose, and full lips, combined to create a visage that could captivate anyone's gaze.

Listening intently to the details once more, she responded decisively,“I'll be there shortly. Make sure no one approaches the body until I arrive”.

“Yes, Madam!”, came the prompt response.

Without hesitation, she swiftly changed into jeans and a formal shirt, grabbed her jacket from the hanger, and snatched her bike keys. Shoving her mobile into her pocket, she dashed out, bypassing the elevator in favor of the stairs to save time.
In a blur of motion, she reached the basement and mounted her bike. With a twist of the ignition key, the engine roared to life, and she sped out like a bullet, racing to the scene. Moments later, she arrived, finding Charan and his team waiting for her.

“Charan! Where is the body? Who reported it? Who saw it first? Have the forensic team been informed?,” she fired off the questions in rapid succession, her urgency palpable.

“Yes, Madam! The forensic team is on their way. The milkman from the nearby village spotted the body first. It’s over there”, Charan pointed in the direction, accustomed to her direct approach.
“Miss Pravalika!”, came a voice from the distance.
She turned to see the forensic team arriving and waved them over, signaling them to begin their work.

As they approached the body, the forensic team inquired if she wanted to examine it or note anything specific.

Pravalika nodded, her demeanor composed as she moved closer. The body, covered by a blanket, was carefully uncovered with gloved hands. She took in the grim sight, her heart sinking at the scene before her.

With a solemn gesture, she allowed the forensic team to proceed and stepped back, her face a mask of stoic resolve. Yet beneath the surface, her heart ached fiercely for the young girl whose life had been so brutally stolen. The sight of the bruised, naked body, evidence of unimaginable cruelty, ignited a storm of sorrow and anger within her.

Clenching her jaw and balling her fists, Pravalika struggled to contain the turmoil churning inside her. Her emotions threatened to overwhelm her, but she steadied herself and made the necessary calls to inform the higher officials, determined to bring justice for the victim.

“Oh my god! Look at her. How can she remain so composed after witnessing such brutality? It’s heartbreaking to see a young girl in such a horrific state. Doesn’t it affect her at all? My heart aches just thinking about what the girl endured. She must be heartless if she can’t show any reaction to such a ferocious crime”, the forensic team murmured among themselves.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this. She’s been present at the scenes of the last few murders, and we’ve never seen a flicker of emotion on her face. She seems so cruel and cold-hearted”, another voice whispered.

“Will you all stop gossiping? You don’t know anything about her. Don’t judge her based on her exterior. Just because she doesn’t display her emotions doesn’t mean she’s unaffected by these murders. Keep quiet and focus on your work”, Charan reprimanded them firmly.

Charan, who had been working under Pravalika for the past few months on the special investigation team assigned to solve these cases, noticed the turmoil hidden behind her stoic facade. As an ACP appointed as the SIT officer for this case, Pravalika had been tirelessly working to uncover the truth behind a series of abductions and murders of girls aged thirteen to fifteen. Each girl had been brutally assaulted and killed, their bodies discarded in desolate places with no clues left behind. Despite numerous operations, the perpetrators remained elusive, and Pravalika’s frustration was palpable.

Her heart ached with each passing day as she witnessed the torment inflicted on these innocent girls, yet she maintained a mask of indifference to avoid showing vulnerability. She had built a wall around her heart, isolating herself from others to shield her emotions. Her reserved nature and preference for solitude often led colleagues to misinterpret her as arrogant and aloof.

Charan, initially perceiving her demeanor as domineering and harsh, had come to understand her true nature after working closely with her. He recognized the internal struggle and anguish she endured, despite the cold exterior she presented. Her silent suffering spoke volumes, revealing a depth of empathy and pain beneath her composed facade.

Once the forensic team completed their work and sent the body for postmortem, Pravalika, along with Charan and the rest of the team, revisited the scene and proceeded to interview the witness who had discovered the body.

“What is your name? Why are you here this early? Are you connected to this murder in any way? Tell me everything you’ve seen”, Pravalika demanded, her tone as sharp as ever, leaving no room for defiance.

The young milkman, visibly shaken by her imposing presence, stammered,“No, Madam! I don’t know anything about this. I deliver milk to nearby hotels and cafeterias. If I don’t start early, I won’t make my deliveries on time. As I was crossing this lane, I saw someone lying on the ground and thought they might be drunk. I approached to help, only to discover it was a girl and she was dead. I immediately reported it to the control room. Please believe me, Madam. I’m just an innocent person”, he pleaded, exhaling with relief as he finished his explanation.

“Charan! Get his details and make sure he’s available if needed”, Pravalika instructed, her voice firm.

After the body was transferred to the hospital, Pravalika stood by her bike, lost in thought. She was frustrated by the fact that the criminal had managed to evade capture despite numerous operations aimed at apprehending him.

Charan, observing her deep in contemplation, approached her and asked,“Madam! Is there anything you want to discuss? Do you want to recheck the scene?”.

Pravalika fixed him with a steady gaze before responding,“Charan! I need every detail of this case on my desk. I don’t want to miss a single piece of information. It feels like we’re overlooking something crucial. I expect everyone to be at my office by 7:00 A.M. Understood?”.

“Yes, Madam!”, Charan affirmed.

As Pravalika mounted her bike and started the engine, she addressed Charan once more,“Charan! There’s no need to defend me. I don’t care about what others say. Just focus on the work at hand”.

“Yes, Madam!”, Charan replied, his voice tinged with embarrassment for being reprimanded.

The team members departed, each heading to their respective destinations.

The following morning:

Pravalika arrived at the office early, her attention focused on the case files as she sipped her coffee. Deeply engrossed in her work, she didn’t immediately notice her team members entering the room. It wasn’t until she heard their greetings that she looked up.

“Good morning, Madam!”.

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