Part 2 - We have to leave

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It seemed like half an eternity to Carmen that the two women were standing close together, kissing again and again and whispering words to each other that Carmen couldn't understand despite the distance of only a few meters. She heard the word "Querida" several times and Doña Marta had not let go of Fina's face for a second. It was more than just a simple, stolen intimate moment between them. And the fact that they seemed to have forgotten everything around them spoke for itself.

Carmen had furtively glanced over at the two of them from time to time. It wasn't envy that she felt, but deep down she felt the desire to have just a hint of what the two women had with each other. She hadn't dared to move, didn't want to interrupt the moment, granted it to them with all her heart. Nevertheless, she couldn't help feeling increasingly nervous. At any moment, a customer could be standing in front of the closed door of the store wondering what was going on. Someone could also come from the warehouse, one of the workers who had a question. Or Don Damian himself. Even Jaime, who - even Carmen had noticed this much - for some unknown reason seemed to have a radar for when to disturb his wife in order to cause the greatest possible damage. It was exasperating, but above all it wasn't safe. And whatever happened now, however it went on, it was clear to Carmen that nothing was more important right now than helping the two women. She could no longer avoid it.

So she cleared her throat. But nothing happened. Marta's hands didn't leave Fina's, nor did they break eye contact. If she hadn't seen that one of them was blinking and the other was moving her lips, she could have mistaken them for statues frozen in hydrochloric acid. Trapped between space and time. But here in this world, the clock was ticking.

Carmen cleared her throat again.

Once again, this time so loudly that it almost sounded as if Carmen had been smoking a cigar for years.

"Diós madre," she uttered another short but audible curse, stepped forward and pulled Doña Marta by the arm. "We have to open the store again, Doña Marta, before anyone notices. Go!" She also pulled Fina by the arm. "At least to the back for a moment." Doña Marta nodded gratefully to her, then grabbed Fina's hand and pulled her with her towards the warehouse. She had regained her composure and would only need a brief moment to tell Fina the most important things. They would sort everything else out later.

With Fina by the hand, she unexpectedly found herself standing almost directly in front of Claudia when she turned around and started moving. Claudia stared at them with wide eyes and an even wider gaping mouth. No one had noticed her yet.
Carmen groaned and pressed her forehead into her hands for a moment. They were friends, yes, but she had no idea how Claudia would react when she woke up from her state of shock. But now was not the time to find out.

Marta had almost passed Claudia with Fina by the hand when she turned back to the girl.
She studied her employee's frozen features for a moment, then said: "Listen to me carefully, Claudia, can you do that right now?"
A hesitant nod was the answer.
"Good. I appreciate you Claudia, you're a good employee and have your heart in the right place. And I want you to continue working here and not have any problems. I assume you want the same, right?"
Another hesitant nod.
"Very well." Doña Marta leaned forward a little. "Then none of what you've just seen or heard has ever happened in this store. Do you understand?"
Carmen's breath caught a little as she saw Claudia growing slightly and returning Marta's dark look directly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Doña Marta. What am I supposed to have seen or heard? Or not seen and not heard?"
"Good girl," Marta whispered. And Fina also smiled gratefully at her. Next to them, they heard Carmen's noisy, deep exhalation. They nodded to both of them and disappeared around the corner.


"Ooooooy, Carmen! Carmen!" Claudia had obviously managed to shake off the last effects of the shock. She jumped excitedly towards Carmen, who closed her eyes for a moment and sent a short prayer to the heavens.

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