Part 12 - I never want to wake up any other way

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Free, loud and happy, her brother had said. She had certainly been that night, Marta thought with a satisfied smile as she looked at Fina, who was only slowly waking up. Her bare shoulders and parts of her back were peeking out from under the blanket, as was her left leg. She almost looked like a painting, with her long, untamed dark hair spread out on the white pillow.

'Good morning,' she heard Fina murmur into the pillow.

Marta slid a bit lower to slowly continue waking her with gentle kisses on her cheek, forehead and mouth. And immediately sensed that the hunger had not been satisfied so quickly.

Never again did she wanted to wake up any other way. Never again without her first glance in the morning falling on this face, without being able to look at her silhouette, without feeling the heat that still emanated from Fina's body. Never again without the most important thing in her life, the only thing that really mattered, lying just a few inches away from her.

'Let's head off to Paris today,' she whispered in Fina's ear.

Fina lifted her upper body and glanced at her in surprise. 'But I still haven't got in touch with Esther.

"It doesn't matter. I don't care. We'll find somewhere to stay. And then we'll see." She kissed Fina gently on the collarbone.

'We can make it in two or three days,' she added. Her hand slid along Fina's waist to her thigh under the blanket. 'And we'll only be staying in hotels from now on.'

'But I thought...' Fina interjected.

Marta put her index finger over Fina's mouth. "Maybe it won't be as nice as the hotel in Illescas. Simpler. But it will be enough. Together we can do it."
Marta's hand stroked along her neck as she continued to look at her. 'I never, ever want to wake up any other way in my life than I did today.'

Fina understood Marta. She understood because she felt the same way. Seeing Marta like she was that morning was almost a miracle. She wasn't just soft and relaxed. For the first time in weeks, she had no dark circles under her eyes. Even the last ounce of tension seemed to have left her body; she appeared to be completely at peace with herself and at the same time exuded a new kind of self-esteem.

That was surprising even for Fina. And it made this woman, whose hand had just wandered under the blanket, even more attractive and, above all, even more desirable. Something that Fina had hardly thought possible.

The vibrations in Fina's body increased with every second, and Marta's tender caresses were not even purposeful. She would try to hold out for a few more moments, because she liked this form of tension, which spread almost like electricity from the ends of her hair to the tips of her feet and whose electric arc joined and intensified between her legs. Until she wouldn't be able to stand it any longer.

Fina let out a contented hum. Just like this, she had always imagined it would be. Waking up with Marta without having to separate. Without not knowing when they would be able to steal a moment, an hour, an evening or a night together again. Marta, who now belonged to her, and she, who now belonged to Marta. Nothing would change that again, no matter what happened. Even if everything went wrong, if they had to go back to Toledo, if Don Damian found them, if the car broke down halfway or they had to sleep under a bridge by the Seine: it wouldn't change the fact that they belonged to each other.

'You can have me,' she had said to Marta the previous night and had meant it with every fibre of her body, underlining it with every sigh and moan. They had both given themselves to each other and with this devotion had made a promise to each other that was almost like a marriage vow. Fina wondered for a brief moment whether they would ever be able to get married.

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