3 - The unwelcome spotlight

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POV: Zhang hao | MONDAY

Navigating the endless hallways of the dormitory was like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. The building was enormous—ten floors high, and the scholarship students like me were relegated to the cramped first floor. I finally stumbled upon my room, which was a glorified closet. It felt like I was living in a sardine can rather than a dorm room. I had a simple key, but the reality of the room was anything but.

Inside, my roommate Jong-Su was already unpacking with the enthusiasm of a robot. He looked up, adjusting his glasses with a smile that could only be described as "genuinely nice." "Hi, I'm Jong-Su. Looks like we're going to be sharing this space."

I managed a smile through my discomfort. "I'm Zhang Hao. Nice to meet you."

Jong-Su turned out to be an art student, while I was here for dance and music. We bonded over our shared experience of being shoved into a tiny room at one of Korea's most prestigious universities.

Just then, an announcement crackled over the loudspeaker, directing all art students to Building 1 and all dance and music students to Building 2.
Jong-Su waved goodbye, and I grabbed my bag, heading to Building 2.

When I walked into Building 2, my jaw dropped. The grand hall looked like it was straight out of a palace, with rows of plush seats and a massive stage. I took a seat in the second row, feeling a bit like an uninvited guest at a royal ball.

The ceremony was just starting, that's when the elite crew swaggered in. The way they paraded into the room was like something out of a movie. Sung Hanbin, the heir of the Sung family, led the pack. His cold, assessing gaze landed on me, and I could practically feel the disdain radiating from him. They were taking the front row with all the grace of royalty.

The principal eventually called all the dance and music scholarship students to the stage. As I stood up as the only one, the knot in my stomach tightened. I made my way to the front, only for Hanbin to casually extend his leg and trip me. I crashed to the ground with a thud that felt like an exclamation mark on my humiliation. The hall erupted with laughter, and my face turned a shade of red that matched my embarrassment.

On stage, I had to endure a barrage of jeers and snickers. Despite the vicious mocking, I managed to keep my cool. I took a deep breath and addressed the audience with a confidence I didn't quite feel.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Zhang Hao, the sole scholarship student for dance and music.

I worked incredibly hard to earn my place here, and I'm proud to stand before you. I see some of you think your status gives you the right to look down on others, but let me be clear: talent and dedication brought me here, not privilege.''

I looked straight at Hanbin, who was glaring at me with such venom, I half expected him to burst into flames.

"To all the so-called elites who think they can trip others and feel superior, here's a newsflash: your privilege doesn't make you better. It just means you had a head start. But what you do with that start is what really counts.
I'm here to prove that true worth comes from hard work, not just front-row seats.
Thanks for the warm welcome."

The room went silent. The whispers grew louder—"Who does he think he is?"—like a buzz of angry hornets.
Hanbin's eyes were ice-cold, and his glare felt like it could cut through steel. The other elite students looked at me like I'd just spit in their faces.

As I made my way back to my seat, I felt every eye in the room boring into me. The weight of their stares was almost physical. My heart raced, and I couldn't help but think that I might have just made things ten times harder for myself. The relief of speaking my mind was quickly being overshadowed by the fear of the consequences.

I sat down, trying to steady my breathing, but the anxiety was almost overwhelming. I had let my attitude get the best of me, and now I was left wondering if I'd just painted a target on my back. The tension in the room was almost unbearable.

The room was buzzing with disbelief.
With a sigh, I stared at the stage, trying to push away the dread that was settling in. This was just the beginning, and I knew I'd have to navigate this mess with a lot more caution. But one thing was for sure: I wasn't about to back down.

Looking forward to the next chapters~
Hope you enjoyed this one and don't forget to leave a vote :3
See u

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