26 - Fuck you, Yuji

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The cold night air bit into my skin as Hao and I walked, leaving the chaotic scene of the hall far behind us. Hao was eerily silent, his usually bright eyes now shadowed with something I couldn't quite place. My mind kept replaying that awful video, but I shoved it down, focusing instead on the path ahead. We were almost at the dorms when I noticed his steps faltering.

"Hao?" I called out, my voice tight with concern.

He didn't respond. His breath came in short, ragged gasps, each one more desperate than the last. His hand clutched at his chest, his fingers digging into his shirt as if trying to tear something out.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, panic rising in my chest as I grabbed his arm to steady him. But he pulled away, doubling over as a horrible choking sound escaped his throat.

"Hao!" I shouted, fear lacing my voice.

He staggered to the side, bracing himself against a tree, and then it began—he started to vomit violently, his entire body wracked with painful heaves. The sound was gut-wrenching, and I could see the agony in his eyes as his breath hitched and faltered.

"Breathe, Hao!" I pleaded, but my voice felt small, useless against the terror I saw in his eyes.

He heaved again, harder this time, and my stomach twisted as I saw blood. Thick, dark blood that splattered onto the pavement with each convulsion. My hands shook uncontrollably as I fumbled for my phone, dialing emergency services with trembling fingers, my voice cracking as I gave them our location.

"Please, hurry!" I screamed into the phone, barely able to get the words out as I watched Hao's face go pale, his eyes fluttering as he struggled to stay conscious.

Hao's knees buckled, and I caught him just before he collapsed completely, his body heavy and limp in my arms.

The sound of sirens cut through the night, and within moments, the paramedics were there, prying him from my arms and onto a stretcher. They worked quickly, their faces grim as they assessed the situation.

"You can't come with us," one of them said, blocking me as they loaded Hao into the ambulance.

"But—" I tried to argue, my voice choked with desperation, but the doors slammed shut before I could say another word. The ambulance sped away, the sirens fading into the distance, leaving me standing there in the dark, alone and terrified.

A wave of helplessness washed over me, quickly followed by a surge of white-hot anger.

This was all because of that video—because of Yuji.
The thought of her smug, satisfied smile made my blood boil. She did this.
She made him sick.

Without thinking, I spun on my heel and stormed back toward the hall, rage driving me forward. I didn't care about the consequences. I just needed to find her, to make her understand what she'd done.

The hall was still buzzing with energy, students talking and laughing as if nothing had happened. But I knew where to find her. I could almost feel her presence, like a dark cloud hanging over the room. My eyes locked onto her the moment I stepped inside. Yuji, standing near the front, surrounded by her usual entourage, basking in the attention like the queen bee she thought she was.

"Yuji!" I shouted, my voice cutting through the noise like a knife.

She turned slowly, her expression lazy and disinterested—until she saw me. Her eyes narrowed, and a smirk curled her lips. "What do you want, Hanna?" she asked, her tone dripping with condescension.

"Come outside," I said, my voice low and dangerous. "We need to talk."

Yuji raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Talk? With you? Please. If you have something to say, say it here."

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