36 - The Devil's Grip

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Hanbin roughly threw me onto the bed, our lips crashing together in a fierce kiss. His hands gripped my neck, his mouth moving down to the bruises he'd left there, sucking and biting until l moaned in a mix of pain and raw need.
My heart pounded, my skin tingling where his lips had just been, trailing fire down my neck and across my chest. He took his time, his mouth latching onto one of my nipples, sending jolts of pleasure and pain through me. My fingers twisted into the bedsheets, holding on for dear life as his hands roamed lower, threatening to shatter whatever self-control I had left.

"Shall we—" Hanbin's voice was thick with desire, but before he could finish, the door flew open with a deafening bang. We both froze, the heat of the moment vanishing in an instant.

The air in the room chilled as police officers stormed in, their expressions unreadable but grim. They moved toward Hanbin, pulling him off the bed and twisting his arms behind his back, slapping cold metal cuffs onto his wrists. I watched in numb disbelief, unable to process what was happening.

"Sung Hanbin, you're under arrest for physical assault and violence against Rian. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law," one of the officers recited, his voice flat and unyielding.

My heart plummeted as I realized the gravity of the situation. Hanbin's face had darkened, his usual cocky smirk replaced by something far more dangerous. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him as he spoke, his voice calm but laced with barely restrained fury. "Call Ricky."

I hurriedly grabbed my sweater, slipping it back on as I stumbled out of the room. My mind was a whirlwind of confusion and fear. As I reached the door, a figure loomed in the doorway—Rian. His cold eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, all the warmth I'd once associated with him seemed to drain away.

He gripped my wrist with a firm, unyielding hold. "Go to our room," Rian's voice was low, but the menace in it was unmistakable.

"Don't touch me," I hissed, yanking my wrist free from his grip. My eyes burned with anger as I stormed past him, my thoughts racing. How could he do this? How did it come to this?

Without a second thought, I fled the dorms, heading straight to Ricky's mansion. My hands shook uncontrollably as I rang the doorbell, my mind spinning with the events that had just unfolded. When Ricky finally opened the door, his expression shifted from surprise to concern as he took in my disheveled appearance.

"Hao? What's going on?" he asked, his voice steady, but I could hear the underlying worry.

"Hanbin... He got arrested," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. Ricky's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly composed himself.

"Come inside, Hanna's here. I'll handle this," he said, grabbing his keys and heading out the door. His tone was calm, but I could sense the urgency beneath it. "His dad can't know about this. Stay here until I get back."

I nodded weakly, my legs feeling like jelly as I stumbled inside. Hanna greeted me with a worried expression, rushing over to steady me.

"Hao? What happened? And...what's wrong with your neck?" she asked, her voice soft with concern. I'd forgotten about the bruises, the remnants of Hanbin's rough kisses. I mumbled something incoherent as I collapsed onto the couch, trying to make sense of everything.

As I recounted what had happened between Hanbin, Rian, and the police, Hanna listened quietly, her arm around me in a comforting embrace. I didn't realize I was crying until she gently wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Do you like Hanbin?" she asked suddenly, her voice almost a whisper.

I froze, the question slicing through me like a knife. I looked at her, more tears spilling from my eyes as the weight of everything pressed down on me.

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