17 - Frozen lips, Fiery kiss

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The past few days had been surprisingly peaceful. Our schedule was light, just singing lessons, which suited me perfectly. Singing was where I felt most at ease, where my confidence wasn't easily shaken. I didn't have to see Hanbin either, which was a relief. With him out of sight, the stress I usually carried around had melted away.

But one thing still nagged at me:
where on earth was my phone? Life felt oddly empty without it, and the idea of returning to Hanbin's room to search for it was something I dreaded. I couldn't shake the suspicion that he'd hidden it out of spite—or worse, thrown it away.

Today, though, I didn't want to think about that. Jong-su had suggested a picnic at the park near campus, despite the freezing weather. He said he liked being outside and wanted my company. There was something about his presence that made things feel lighter, easier. I was in the middle of bundling up in layers when I realized my jacket wasn't nearly warm enough for the weather. I shrugged it off—there wasn't much I could do about it now. Jong-su had gone out to buy food for the picnic, and we agreed to meet at the park.

As I walked down the hallway, I crossed paths with Hanbin. His gaze flicked to mine for a split second before he looked away and continued on his way. It was just a brief moment, but something about it made my chest tighten. Maybe this no-contact thing was for the best. But deep down, something in me rebelled against that decision. I pushed the thought aside and kept walking.

When I arrived at the park, I spotted Jong-su right away. He was sitting on a white picnic blanket, surrounded by an assortment of fruits, sweets, muffins, cookies, and a thermos bottle that was probably filled with something warm. A wave of warmth spread through me as I greeted him with a hug and settled down on the blanket across from him.

"You're going to freeze to death in that jacket," Jong-su teased, eyeing me with a playful smile.

"I'll be fine," I lied, trying to suppress a shiver as the cold wind bit at my skin.

He shook his head and started unwrapping his scarf. "Here, take mine," he insisted, his voice soft but firm.

"No, really, I'm okay. You'll get cold—" I began, but he wasn't having it.

Before I could protest further, he'd already draped the scarf around my neck, his hands lingering for a moment longer than necessary. The warmth of the scarf and the gesture itself made my cheeks flush, and I found myself smiling up at him.

"Better?" he asked, his voice gentle as he adjusted the scarf slightly.

"Much better," I admitted, grateful for the warmth—and for him.

We chatted for a while about the weather and his upcoming art exhibition. Jong-su was excited about it and invited me to come and see the work he'd been pouring himself into. I agreed eagerly, genuinely curious to see what he'd created.

"So, how did you get into singing?" Jong-su asked, leaning back on his hands as he looked at me with interest.

I hesitated for a moment, thinking back to how it all started. "I've been singing since I was a kid," I began, my voice soft with nostalgia. "But as I got older, my parents' expectations grew. They pushed me towards academics, and I never really got the chance to take extra lessons or truly perfect my singing. It's always been something I've loved, but I worry sometimes that I'll fall behind in class because I didn't have the same training as others."

Jong-su's expression softened, and he reached over to give my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You're doing great, Hao. We're in this together, remember?"

I smiled, feeling a warmth in my chest that had nothing to do with the scarf. "Thanks, Jong-su. That means a lot."

"You haven't tried the grapes yet," Jong-su said suddenly, a mischievous glint in his eye. "They're really sweet."

Before I could react, he picked up a grape and moved it toward my mouth. The moment his fingers brushed against my lips, something shifted between us. The playful atmosphere from moments before was replaced with something deeper, something electric. Our eyes locked, and the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of us.

Jong-su slowly pushed the grape past my lips, his thumb lingering against my mouth. My tongue brushed against his finger, tasting the sweetness of the grape and something more—something heady and intoxicating. The tension between us was palpable, crackling in the cold air like static.

Without thinking, I leaned forward, drawn to him in a way I couldn't explain. His eyes darkened with an intensity I hadn't seen before, and in the next instant, his hand was at the back of my neck, pulling me towards him.

Our lips met in a fierce, desperate kiss, the kind that steals the breath from your lungs and leaves you dizzy. His lips were cold at first, but they warmed quickly against mine, the heat of our kiss driving away the chill in the air. I melted into him, the taste of the sweet grape lingering in my mouth as his tongue teased mine, exploring with a hunger that left me trembling.

Jong-su's grip on my neck tightened slightly, holding me in place as he deepened the kiss. My hands found their way to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath my fingers. Every brush of his lips against mine, every flick of his tongue, sent a jolt of desire through me, making it impossible to think of anything else but him—his warmth, his taste, his touch.

We finally pulled apart, both of us breathing heavily, our foreheads resting against each other. Jong-su's eyes were half-lidded, filled with an emotion I couldn't quite place but felt drawn to all the same. The world around us seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of us, connected in a way that felt inevitable and terrifying all at once.

For a moment, we just sat there, our breaths mingling in the cold air, neither of us wanting to break the fragile connection we'd just formed.


Soy loco lalalalalallala 🙏
(It's 3 am for me help)

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