35 - In his Possession

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I tried to move, but it felt like I was trapped-pinned down by something heavy and warm. My breath caught in my throat as the familiar scent enveloped me, and the reality of whose body I was tangled up with hit me.
Memories from last night came rushing back: the karaoke room, kissing Rian in a haze of alcohol, and then Hanbin... Hanbin beating Rian, dragging me back here.
To his room. But did anything else happen after that?

The body behind me shifted, pulling me even closer with rough arms, and my heart started to race. His hot breath brushed against my neck. "You're awake?" he murmured, his voice rough with sleep, fingers slipping under the hem of my sweater. I bolted upright, yanking myself away from him, his warmth lingering on my skin. When our eyes met, a smirk curled on his lips-one that made my blood boil.

"I'm leaving," I snapped, the words as cold as I could make them.

Hanbin didn't even flinch. "No, you're not," he said, his voice oozing confidence as he leaned back, eyes gleaming with challenge.
His arrogance grated on me, and I wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug look off his face. "I need to check on Rian," I said, knowing exactly what reaction it would provoke. Just as expected, his gaze darkened.

"Leave him," he growled, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous tone. My chest tightened as anger flared up.

"Like you left me at the hospital? Hanbin, I'm not like you," I spat, the bitterness seeping into every word.
His smirk widened, and before I could react, he grabbed me and pulled me back onto the bed, pinning me beneath him. His grip was firm, almost bruising.

"What, did you wait for me?" he whispered, his eyes searching mine, daring me to admit the truth. Memories of those nights in the hospital, waiting for him to show up, flickered in my mind, and the sting of his absence hit me all over again. But I couldn't let him see that.

"No," I hissed, forcing the word out even as my throat tightened.
He chuckled, low and mocking. "Liar," he said, the word rolling off his tongue like a challenge.
I shot back, "And what are you, then?" My eyes locked onto his, refusing to back down.
For a moment, neither of us moved.

Then, with a casual air that only made my blood boil more, he let me go and laid back down, his smirk still firmly in place. "You might want to look in a mirror before you step outside," he said, his tone almost indifferent.

Confused, I stumbled to the bathroom, and what I saw in the mirror made my blood run cold. My neck was covered in bruises, some deep and angry, others with clear bite marks.

What the hell had happened last night?

My fingers trembled as I traced the marks, anger and disbelief bubbling up inside me.
Furious, I stormed back into the room.
Hanbin was lounging on the bed as if nothing had happened. Without thinking, I slapped him hard across the face, my palm stinging from the impact.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I shouted, grabbing him by the collar, my anger barely in check.
"Probably," he said, his eyes meeting mine with a dark intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. We were both crazy - crazy enough to keep doing this dance, teetering on the edge of violence and something else entirely.

As my mind tried to piece together the blurred fragments of last night, more memories began to surface-his hands gripping my neck, his lips on my skin, sucking, biting, the possessive way he whispered, "Don't let anyone else touch you like this." The words echoed in my mind, making my chest tighten with conflicting emotions.

"Thought you were rushing off to your precious Rian," Hanbin taunted, pulling me back to the present, his eyes gleaming with a challenge.
"Shut up," I hissed, knowing he was right. What was I supposed to do now?

A knock on the door interrupted my spiraling thoughts. I quickly stepped back as Hanbin got up to answer it.
"You could've just ordered food; why did I have to bring it to you-" Ricky's voice broke the tension as he stepped into the room, but he stopped short, his eyes widening as he looked between us. "Hanbin, couldn't you wait for the food? Why did you have to snack on Hao?" Ricky laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Hanbin shot him a look and muttered something under his breath before taking the food and shutting the door.

I stood there, arms crossed, still fuming as Hanbin approached me with the food. "Let's eat," he said, sitting on the bed as if nothing had happened.
I sat down reluctantly, glaring at him as I picked at the food. The anger in me hadn't subsided, and the tension between us felt like a tightrope ready to snap at any moment.

"Does it hurt?" Hanbin asked, glancing at my neck with a hint of something that almost resembled concern.
"You could've asked that last night," I shot back, still furious as I took a sip of juice, trying to calm my racing heart.

His lips curled into a smirk. "You were too busy moaning to answer," he said, his tone filled with teasing.
I choked on the juice, heat rising to my face at the rawness of his words.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"
His chuckle was deep and amused.

"What's got you so flustered, Hao?
What kind of naughty thoughts are you having?" he teased, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"You're the pervert here!" I snapped, trying to regain control of the situation.
Hanbin laughed, shaking his head.

"It must be exhausting, thinking about kissing me all the time. You can kiss me now if you want."

"I just slapped you!" I hissed, frustrated at how easily he turned everything into a joke.

He laughed again, his voice carefree.
At this point, I don't even know what we are. One day we're ready to kill each other, and the next we're making out like there's no tomorrow.

I wanted to hate him.
I needed to hate him.

But every time he touched me, every time he looked at me with that infuriating mix of arrogance and desire, I couldn't help but crave more. He was intoxicating, chaotic, and with each touch, he dragged me deeper into the mess of feelings I wasn't ready to face.

"Are your eating habits better now?" he asked, casually taking another bite of his food, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
"Yes," I muttered, though I wasn't sure why l even bothered to answer.

"Give me a scarf. I want to head out," I demanded, standing up, needing to get away from him, from this room, from everything that was suffocating me.
"No," Hanbin said calmly, not even bothering to look up from his plate.

I sighed, walking to his closet and rummaging through his clothes until l found a brown scarf. Wrapping it around my neck, I headed for the door, desperate for fresh air. But just as I reached for the handle, Hanbin grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around and slamming me against the door. His face was inches from mine, his eyes dark with something I couldn't quite place.

"Don't meet Rian," he hissed, his voice low and filled with something that almost sounded like desperation.
I laughed, bitter and disbelieving.

"Afraid I might kiss him again?" I taunted, knowing exactly how to push his buttons.
His expression darkened, and before I could react, he crushed his lips against mine in a violent, possessive kiss. His hands gripped my waist with a force that bordered on painful, his anger seeping into every touch.

My mind screamed at me to push him away, to stop this madness, but my body betrayed me. The more I tried to resist, the more I wanted him to pull me closer, to drown in this chaos he created.

Before I knew it, my arms were around his neck, my fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss. There was something addictive about the way he kissed me, something that made me crave more, even as my mind screamed that it was wrong.

A knock on the door jolted me out of the moment, and I turned my head, startled. But Hanbin grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him as he continued the kiss, ignoring the knocking.

Only later would I realize that we should've opened the door.


Sorry for the late update had to take care of my baby sis 😒

She learned a new word today (from me), it was 'dead' 😗🥂

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