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A/N: Hello, here's another chapter. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. This time I'm just asking for one vote OR one comment for me to upload the next chapter. But I won't say no to both (; Enjoy!

After dinner, Dumbledore had Snape show me where my quarters were. Yesterday, I had requested a room in the dungeons. Since Snape's classroom and quarters were also in the dungeons, it only made sense that he show me where everything is. 

It didn't take me long to find that Snape was like an overgrown bat. He swooped around in his giant black cloak, his greasy black hair hung down messily to his shoulders, and overall, he wasn't very likable. I laughed to myself when I thought of the dungeons as Snape's bat cave. 

Snape turned to me and raised an eyebrow. He must have heard my laughing. Note to self: don't let anyone hear you laughing. 

We neared our destination. It seems as though my new quarters was an old classroom, but was greatly modified into a luxurious suite. It was more than any thirteen year old could ask for. All I was expecting was a bed, bureau, and bathroom. This room honestly went all out. Red, plush carpeting graced the floors while the ceiling was a shocking gold. Shimmery deep red curtains hung from an unbelievably large window which held a great view of underneath the lake. The bed was king-sized and looked extremely soft. The room was so big, it had two walls, completely made out of bookshelves, each stocked up with a plethora of books, and it was my new goal to read every single one. 

Snape seemed amused with my awe. At Gringotts, I didn't have much; just the necessities. 'Course, it was more than the other female goblins, as I was supposedly the leader's "daughter".

"I see you find everything to your liking," he commented smoothly. 

I looked at him incredulously. "To my liking?" I asked softly. "Everything is beyond amazing."

I'm pretty sure that after a few moments of me taking in my surroundings, Snape left. I didn't blame him, I mean, there was nothing else for him here. 

After that, I unpacked my trunk with a flick of my wand. A new outfit for tomorrow lay out, ready; waiting. I crawled into bed, still in my dress from before, but not caring. I fell asleep soon after. 


The next day arrived bright and early, just as it always did. Sunshine twinkled through the now-drawn curtains, making them shine and sparkle gold. As soft as the shine may look, it was merciless on my eyes. I wasn't sure how the sunlight managed to creep through, me being in the dungeons and all, and under the lake,  but decided that it must be a sort of charm. A charm I'd have to learn later. 

I realised that it was time to get ready, if I ever wanted to reach my job in time. I showered, dressed, then styled my hair. First impressions were everything, even if they ended up being totally wrong, like they always do. 

Today's outfit consisted of a yellow, flowy dress that had the same colored ribbon tied around the waist. My hair was still orange, something that bothered me as I wished it would turn back to it's normal deep, dark brown color. The orange hairs were piled up in an elegant twist, which made me happy that I could get my hair right for once in my life. 

For the most part satisfied with how I looked, I walked out of my quarters (saying goodbye to the painting that guarded the entrance (the paintings moved!)) and headed down to breakfast. Once there, I resumed my position between Dumbledore and Snape. I didn't eat much, to be honest. Other kids were looking up at the table with disdain in their eyes. Some were pointed at Snape (which lets be frank here, it's quite understandable), but also to me. At first I wondered what in the world I could have done wrong, but then realised that they wouldn't want someone as young as me teaching them. I mean, I wouldn't. 

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