Bank, Sweet Bank (Home, Sweet Home)

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Friday rolled around quickly. In the days and nights between, the two Weasley boys had spent an uncanny amount of time with their History of Magic professor. They learned of her goblin heritage and in turn, they told her of all the Weasleys (which took a while, since there are so many).

Gaulda took her time in walking to Dumbledore's office, relishing in the quietness of the corridors. Her bag was slung across her shoulder with her wand tucked behind her hair, which turned a pretty brunette shade when the sunlight reflected off of it. Her footsteps echoed lightly.

By the time she got to the office, she was a bit out of breath from all of the staircases. She was excited to get home though. Grinning to herself, she opened the office door without knocking and let herself in. To her surprise, she saw one half of the Weasley duo.


The twin in question grinned at her. "Heya, professor."

A level of suspicion waved over Gaulda. What in the blazes was he doing here?

"What are yo-"

But before Gaulda could finish, a certain Professor Dumbledore swept into the room, levitating what looked to be luggage. The luggage wasn't Gaulda's. "There you are, Professor!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah... What's going on?" she asked, though not impolitely.

Dumbledore gave her a small grin, one that set off signals in Gaulda's brain that he was planning something. Something that she wouldn't like. "You see, I've asked Mr. Weasley here to escort and accompany you to Gringotts bank. He graciously agreed to spend the weekend with you."

Gaulda facepalmed. She muttered, "What the actual fuck, Dumble?" Fred heard her and laughed, which he expertly disguised as a cough. Gripping her bag, she spoke louder so that the headmaster could hear her speak. "Dumbledore. Buddy. Do you realize what you're doing? You're practically tossing him into the lion's den!"

"I resent that!" came Fred's answer the same time as Dumbledore said, "He can handle a lion, I'm sure, after all, he is a Gryffindor."

"HE is standing right here and can hear every word you guys are saying," Fred pointed out with a pout.

"I apologize Mr. Weasley."

"Sorry Fred."

The three stood in silence for a moment. Gaulda took this time to think over words in her mind. Why did the headmaster insist that she have an escort? Did he not trust her? Did he finds out her plan to sue the ministry?

"Why?" she stated simply. It wasn't so much a question as it was a command.

Dumbledore just twinkled his eyes a bit and directed her to the magnificent fireplace. Eithout warning, he shoved the two through, tossed in Floo powder and yelled, "Gringotts bank!" With a burst of bright green flames and a wooosh! the teenagers were gone from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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