How Rude!

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A/N: Thanks to people commenting (really, thank you!) here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

Classes went by slowly until lunch. The bell rang throughout the whole castle, alerting every teacher and student that classes were over, and that it was time to head for lunch.

Students in my class groaned, as they were comfortable in the chairs they'd imagined. This hour was a third year Gryffindor/Slytherin class. I found that I had nearly all years of both on one day. Today was rather good. I didn't have to take points from anyone, or give any detentions. I almost came close though, when I found a student putting Muggle chewing gum on the underside of one of the desks.

Three students stayed behind everyone else, packing up their things slowly. I was just putting all my papers for future lesson plans in order; waiting. I had a feeling that these three students wanted to talk to me.

They finished and walked up, while sparing one another a glance.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione," I greeted them.

"Hullo, Professor. We were wondering..." Harry started, but he didn't even need to finish. I knew what he was going to say.

"Why I'm really here?"

He nodded, albeit a little guiltily. I smiled at him and his friends, who had yet to say anything.

"You'll find out soon."

"Promise?" he asked. His green eyes met my eerie yellow eyes. I actually felt myself return back to normal. My hair relaxing back into brown, my eyes back to their glittering obsidian.

"Don't worry, I promise."


After lunch, I had a free period. I decided to sit in on someones class. Dumbledore suggested it, and I thought it'd be wise to take his advice. Since I haven't been outdoors much, fresh air would be good. Care of Magical Creatures took place outside, and Hagrid was the teacher this year.

Hagrid was the most friendly person you could ever meet. He was half giant, which you couldn't mistake because of his gigantic size. He loves dangerous creatures like dragons; he thinks they're cute. But if he offers you food, don't take it. His rock cakes make your teeth glue together.

Today was Hagrid's first lesson. I was intrigued to find out what would happen.

The grounds of Hogwarts were beautiful to say in the least. A glistening lake was so deep, the whole thing looked a deep, dark grey. Occasionally, you could see tentacles from the Giant Squid break the surface to sun itself. Further along, you could see the edge of the forest, where shadows loomed, created by the tall, mysterious trees and other foliage. Near the edge of the forest sat Hagrid's Hut, which outside of that was where the classes were taking place.

I made my way towards there, hoping to get there on time. I stood out in the crowd that was moving in the same direction. They all wore black robes with the crest of their houses on their chests. I was wearing the same yellow dress I'd had on from the morning.

Hagrid's Hut was now crowded with students (and in my case, teachers). I saw that the other students were struggling with their books. They looked like normal, everyday books. The title was Monster Book of Monsters, and was forced closed in some way. Harry had a belt wrapped around his firmly, and Ron's was closed with Spell-o tape (like regular tape).

I had some experience with these books, and went to go help the kid closest to me with his. It was Draco Malfoy, a kid who'd been giving me a hard time during class. Honestly? I just wanted to punch the kid's lights out. He was rude, obnoxious, and his catch phrase was, "My father will hear about this!"

"Here," I said, taking the book out of his hands. "Let me help."

I unwrapped the Spell-o tape that was binding it. The book immediately started flapping about, trying to bite me, spewing paper chunks all the while. Whoever invented this book was an absolute, utter idiot. I did the only thing that would calm it down to a normal book. I stroked the spine. The book fell, completely limp in my hands.


"How'd she do that?"

"It's like magic!"

I nearly facepalmed at the last one, but people took my example, and suddenly there were no more flailing and taped up books. Hagrid came back, leading some kind of bird thing.

"Hippogriffs!" someone cried in awe.

Hagrid then went to explaining that you shouldn't insult hippogriffs, because they're very proud creatures. You have to bow to them, to gain their approcal, then you can approach them. He asked if anyone would like to try, and only Harry was left standing there. Poor kid. I noticed, however, that while Hagrid was explaining the do's and don't's of hippogriffs, Malfoy and his cronies were talking and laughing amongst themselves.

Harry bowed to the hippogriff, who Hagrid called Buckbeak. I held my breath, and for a moment, Buckbeak didn't bow back.

"Alright, alright. Just back away slowly...-" Hagrid started to say before Buckbeak gave a low, elegant bow in return.

The whole class cheered. Hagrid let Harry ride Buckbeak, and soon everyone was allowed to approach a hippogriff and try their luck with bowing. Malfoy achieved Buckbeak's hesitant bow, and he went up to him.

"That wasn't hard at all, was it, you big ugly brute?"

"No!" I yelled.

I pushed Malfoy out of they way as Buckbeak reared back, knowing that he was insulted. He came down violently, his claws leaving four wide gashes on the front of my body and arms as I tried to shield my face.

I tried not to pass out as I fell back on the grass. Buckbeak must have realised his mistake, because he fell back to all four legs and nudged me with his beak. His fierce orange eyes glared at Malfoy and he gave a ferocious roar. Strangely, I couldn't hear anything. It must have been from shock.

Hagrid tried to make Buckbeak retreat, but he wouldn't leave my side. He opened and flapped his wings while gently grabbing me in his talons. He took me as far as he could up to the school, but when we reached the entrance, he couldn't fit through.

Lots of blood was leaving me now, and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

My first do or die situation.

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