So Close

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A/N: Hello there, guys. Here's a new chapter. Not garunteeing it's gonna be awesome, but whatever. Sorry that it's taken this long to post, but I've had things going on at school and at home, so yeah, lol. Hope you like this chapter, and this time I ask 1 vote or one comment. I think at Ch. 10, I'm going to up it to 2. :D I think I'm just going to do that for every ten chapters, I think that sounds fair. Because, I don't wanna be the person that asks for ten votes for the like, third chapter. I don't think that's fair to the people who read your story and then can't read your story because other people don't vote for it. I don't know. I also need people in Harry's year. So either if you wanna make them up, or tell me, just PM me, or leave a comment. xD Enjoy!

"Sirius Black is an escaped convict, no? He killed thirteen muggles (non-magic people) and one wizard," Gaulda Mac announced. She thought that she'd give them a break and talk about current events. They were very interested.

The kids eagerly sat at the edges of their seats.

"He was said to have betrayed two people to Lord Voldemort. Can anyone tell me who?"

Draco Malfoy raised his hand, was the only one to do so. Gaulda mentally braced herself for whatever answer he was about to say.

"Lily and James Potter," he spat triumphantly. Gaulda wasn't sure if it was because he answered the question correctly, or if he was genuinely happy that they were dead. Wouldn't surprise me, Gaulda thought. Him and Harry are enemies.

The professor nodded. "Five points to Slytherin house."

Draco smirked, and all of the Ravenclaws rolled their eyes.

"Yes. Lily and James Potter. They had their house under the Fidelius charm. Can anyone explain what that is?"

Several hands rose into the air, and Gaulda chose a Ravenclaw. He stood up and recited, "The Fidelius charm is a charm designed to hide a place. Only the people who are hiding it can find it. For instance, only Lily, James, and their secret keeper could find/see it. Every Fidelius charm needs a secret keeper. The secret keeper can tell anyone where the location is, and they can find it."

"Correct. Ten points to Ravenclaw," Gaulda praised, and the smirk on Draco's face vanished. To be fair, the second question was harder. "Sirius Black was the Potters' secret keeper. He sold them out to Voldemort."

The class grew silent. Some people kept flinching at both names, Black and Voldemort. "I ask you all to not say anything to Harry. He's got enough on his shoulders as of late. Last thing he needs is knowing a killer's after him." The bell rang.


Gaulda sat down at the desk in her quarters. A pensieve sat before her, her memories swirling around in it. She put her head in her hands, angrily sighing. Why didn't anyone tell her before? She ran her hands through her orange hair.

Gaulda was feeling a whole rollercoaster of emotions. She was angry, disappointed, overjoyed, excited, nervous, but overall just upset.

With a deep breath, she plunged her head into the pensieve, not really wanting to relive what happened.



The two people in Dumbledore's office stared at Gaulda. They were surprised, and a little embarrassed. Well, not Dumbledore. Guys like Dumbledore don't get embarrassed.

"Well?" Gaulda tapped her foot angrily.

"You know I was calling you up here to tell you," Dumbledore stated. "About your heritage."

Gaulda gazed up at him, skeptically.

"No, Dumbledore. I forbid it!"

Gaulda glanced around and saw the Minister of Magic. Then she got angry. It wasn't his place to decide whether or not to tell her. It was no ones place!

"I demand," Gaulda expressed angrily, emphasising 'demand'. "That you tell me right now."

The minister looked put out, and slightly desperate. So that's when he took his wand out of his sleeve, and waved it elegantly. "Obliviate!"

That was the last thing she heard. And the last thing she saw was a pissed off Dumbledore, and the minister floo'ing away.


The memory faded to black, and Gaulda was pushed out, back to the present. She screamed in frustration. Standing up abruptly, she flipped the chair over, and kicked the door. So close she was to finding her parents, whether they were dead or alive. So close to knowing who she was. So close. But the minister had to take that all away. So close.

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