I Am NOT A Dog.

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I am SO angry right now. Cleaning the Alphas carpet, that is what I am reduced to. Putting the solution on the carpet I continue to clean up his latest hissy fit. Apparently the luna of our pack doesn't like him that much right now. Something he said got her pissed and just like that he takes it out on his expensive hair dye that got all over this stupid fucking carpet.

Alpha Samuel doesn't like the light gray of his natural hair so he pays for cost consuming black dye. Just the right color that makes it almost impossible to get out of this carpet. Let me tell you how much the black doesn't mingle well with the cream white of Alpha Samuel's carpet. 

Just when I am about to get up for more boiling water to cleanse his carpet the door bursts open. The wall shakes and things fall off his shelves. And the look on his face is.. Furious. His brows are knitted together, his dark brown eyes are aimed directly at me, his face is red with rage. Crap.

In the best and calmest voice I can muster, I say the only thing I can think of, "Hello Alpha, what can I do for you?" I bare my neck in submission, just the way he likes it. But he must have noticed my voice is off. Because he grabs me by the hair, his eyes lit with fury. I yelp in surprise.

"What gives!" I scream out, grabbing his hand that is fisted into my hair. He is not giving up though, he drags me over to the black splotch covering the white carpet and digs my nose in it like a dog!

"Do you see this? Does this look like it is fucking cleaned? I gave you a time limit! And what did you do?" Malice clear in his voice. He pushes my face into the black dye on the floor. So close I am almost touching it with my nose. Oh, I am so over this! 

Without any warning I swipe my foot and knock him on his ass. Moving fast I pounce on him before he can get up, I punch him with a fury I kept hidden under all my emotional layers.

He must have mind-linked the pack guards because all of a sudden I am getting pulled off of him by four strong arms around my waist and being hauled off of the Alpha, screaming and fighting to get free of their hold. "Fuck you Samuel! I am not a dog!!" If anyone's a dog here it's you. But I have enough sense not to say that. I just hope that was said in my epic beating of the all powerful Alpha.

"Get that brat back to her room, she doesn't leave for ANYTHING until I decide what I am doing with her!" Samuel's voice is full of authority and control. Something he should never have.

"Yes Alpha, we will keep guard outside her door." one of them says with their neck bared. Before I can protest I am being manhandled outside of his room and straight into mine. The guard to my left throws me on the floor of my small bedroom before walking out and slamming the door shut behind him. 

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