Ugh. Wolves.

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~~~One Year Later~~~

Training wasn't easy, there was a lot of failure, physical and mental exhaustion. But I learned a lot about myself.

My speed was definitely not normal for a werewolf, turns out I could go even faster if I pushed myself. When I first started I ran face first into a tree. Ouch.

My powers are literally 'anything I want, I can make' type deal. I can do anything I want almost without repercussions. The moon goddess really is powerful if this is what I inherit from her... which it is.

A little over six months ago, I was able to have conversations with the moon goddess, she's cold. Atlas, not physically. She doesn't say much when I contact her, so I've kept communication only when needed. But when needed is good enough for me, her presence anywhere near me is overwhelming.

She has a way of sucking air out of any room she's in. Her power is out of this world. Which only makes me wonder where or how she was made on this earth.

As a tribrid I don't get what other wolves do, another personality in my mind doesn't exist where it does for wolves. Which sucks. I could always use company. If you were to ask me out loud in front of people I'd say I'm perfectly okay with being alone, but if you were to ask me just face to face alone, I'd say I was lonely and needed someone who was just for me.

Training me on things didn't take as long as Sarah thought it would so she hasn't been here in a month or so, after the first eleven months of training she declared me perfectly ready. I thought it would take longer... honestly. Our relationship has grown into pure blooded, protective friendship. She visits now. Doesn't live with me anymore, which is why I'm lonely.

I had gotten used to her and her... uhm... uniquely made personality.

Now the only interactions I get are from the outside wolves from my old pack. They became so bad I put a protective barrier outside of my home. No one but me and my decided get to come into this home and it's lands.

They've decided to become more of a nuisance. They begged a witch to track me wherever I go and tell them all my movements. It was easier after the barrier I put up started working. Now whoever tries to look into me will only see woods for as far as these forests go. Occasionally I get into fights with the wolves from my old pack, those who try and convince me things will change if I come back.

They seem to forget that I know them. It won't change and it might in fact only get worse. Sarah said that she has a feeling that it might change soon, that maybe they will stop trying to come after me. I don't think I believe that either. They're persistent with what they do and what they think is theirs.

Stupid, stupid wolves, their stupidity makes this situation even funnier.

Right now I am at a stand off with two of my old 'friendly' companions. Currently, I'm calculating how fast I can get over my barrier. I may be a skilled warrior now but it doesn't mean I like these fights anymore than anyone else does.

The one on the left snarls at me in wolf form while the one on the right stiffens at the feral look in my eyes.

I glare at the one on the left. You haven't been able to get me in months, you're not getting me today either I throw into his mind. Throwing him off guard, I hadn't done that with any of the wolves that were coming after me yet. They aren't aware of my abilities yet. Rogues aren't able to do the mind linking thing like pack wolves can, so me, a rogue doing it isn't normal.

I smile at his under confusion, "Let's not fight today, I have things I have to do." Like literally nothing but training with physical and mental strength.

I don't expect them to walk away, but I also don't expect what happens next either.

Before I can even react wolves —obviously from a different pack — jump out of the bushes, how they got past my vigilance I have no idea.

The pack wolves surrounding us snarl at the wolves from my old pack. Growling with such power it takes my breath away.. slightly.

Thanks for the distraction I say into the minds of the other wolves and jump into an all out run from the packs fighting in the forest around my barrier. And... for the love of fuck dude!

Two wolves are fighting right in front of my barrier, the only entrance I can get to right now as well. What is fate doing to me today? I internally sigh.

Something is tugging at me when I stare at this beautiful black wolf charging at a grey smaller wolf. It's mesmerizing to stare at him. His fighting style shows he's trained with fierce determination, trained to kill.

The wind moves my way and I catch the scent of him. Cedar wood and ... what is that? Musky lilac? God, that's enticing.

The grey wolf races toward him and bites down on his neck, not a killing blow but definitely one that makes him lose consciousness... okay, enough watching, not on my watch. Literally.

I shift into my wolf and jump into the fray.

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