I'm a Rogue and he's an Alpha.

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I jump out of the bush in my sleek black wolf with weird purple highlights. —no one ever explained why my wolf had purple highlights or why I personally was born with purple highlights in my hair—

My wolf triples the grey wolf in size. I bite at its foot and drag it off and away from the black wolf. The connection with him is stronger in this form than it was before.. strange

The grey wolf yelps and tries to escape from my death grip. I snap the leg in half, the bones crack and I internally wince.

Sorry, sorry. But you were also attacking my friend here and that doesn't work for me. Scram or I'll kill you. I speak into its mind. I did feel bad for breaking its leg even though I know he'll heal in an hour or less.

My hearing allows me to hear his bones snapping back into place. Again, I wince internally, I hate that sound. It itches my brain in a bad way.

The wolf run-limps into the bushes, assuming it's gone I instinctively trot over to the unconscious wolf right outside of my barrier... which is not a wolf but a naked man. Holy shit. That's a lot of skin there bud. Wow.

I forgot pure blooded wolves don't shift back into their clothes like I can. Wowza..

I shift into my human body and contemplate solutions. Should I leave him here for his pack or... no. I can't just leave him here, who knows which pack will get to him first and decide he's not worth the hassle.

Dragging his body into my barrier walls I snap my fingers and clothes appear on his body. Jeans and a hoodie. That should work... maybe.

Somehow that hoodie makes him hotter, goddess. His hair is jet black, his eyes are a beautiful shade of blue. I've seen oceans and they don't compare to how beautiful his eyes are. His face is shaped like a gods. His shoulders show the extensive training he must have. He's muscled everywhere. Goddess, his scent is intoxicating as well. If I died right now, I'd die happy.

I use my magic and drift him on a cloud of air, swiftly walking towards my home and into the door.

Placing him on the couch in my living room, I go and fetch my first aid kit. I'd use my magic to heal him faster but I don't want to freak him out.

Turns out I have super cool healing magic that I can tap into at a click of my magical clock! I chuckle to myself on the way to my bathroom.

~~~15 mins pass by~~~

It was easier than I thought patching him up, he didn't have too many injuries. Just the nip on his neck. He should heal in a few hours, he'll wake up any minute now.

I'm nervous for that though. I don't think he would react too well to waking up in a strange place. He smells like he is super powerful. My guess is he's an Alpha, a powerful one at that.

I'm a rogue, he's an alpha. What can go wrong? Besides the fact that I'm a rogue and Alphas don't take too kindly to our kind. We'll see when he wakes up if he will thank me or attack. Or feel this strange pulling in his gut. The same one I feel..

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