Chapter 7: The Unexpected Call

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Maryam sat back in the living room, sinking into the soft cushions as the day's events caught up with her. She had just said "yes," and now the whirlwind of congratulations and teasing was finally starting to die down. Her sisters, Fatima, and her cousins surrounded her, their playful banter filling the room with warmth and laughter. It was one of those rare moments when she could finally relax and let the reality of her engagement sink in.

"Look at you, already glowing like a bride!" Fatima teased, her voice light with mischief.

"Oh, please, I'm just tired," Maryam responded, though a shy smile tugged at her lips.

Just then, her phone buzzed with another call. She had already answered countless congratulatory calls from relatives and friends all day. She sighed, glancing at the unknown number before answering with a tired but polite, "Hello?"

On the other end, Sara Merchant's bright voice chimed in, "Assalamualaikum!"

Maryam instantly perked up. "Walaikumasalam! Aap kon?" she asked playfully.

Sara chuckled, "Your sister-in-law, Sara Merchant."

Hearing the title "sister-in-law," Maryam couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh, Sara! How are you?"

"I'm all good, Alhumdulillah. How about you?"

"Alhumdulillah," Maryam replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Mabrook!" Sara exclaimed with warmth.

"You too!" Maryam responded, her voice laced with shyness.

Then, Sara added with a teasing tone, "Yahya bhai is here with me. He wanted to congratulate you himself."

Maryam's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly put the phone on speaker, her sisters and cousins instantly crowding closer, sensing something exciting.

Maryam, trying to sound nonchalant, said, "Tell your Yahya bhai I'm congratulating him too."

There was a brief pause, and then Yahya's deep voice, smooth and calm, came through, "Ameen."

Maryam froze. The sound of his voice sent a flutter through her chest, and she felt her cheeks grow warm. Her cousins erupted in excited whispers and giggles, but Maryam could hardly focus on anything else. The room suddenly seemed smaller, the voices of her sisters fading into the background as Yahya's voice echoed in her mind.

Sara, noticing the charged silence, couldn't resist adding, "Maryam, am I still talking to you or did you freeze?"

In a playful tone, Yahya's voice came back, this time laughing, "No, actually, you're talking to your fiancé."

Maryam's heart pounded, her breath catching in her throat. His voice, so close yet so far, felt like it reached into her very soul. She could hardly believe this was happening—this was the man she was going to marry.

Her sisters weren't helping, of course. They started teasing her, mimicking Yahya's voice, and making exaggerated swooning noises. Maryam could only cover her face with her hands, torn between laughter and embarrassment.

Sara quickly grabbed the phone back and said, "Sorry, guys, time's up! Your Nikah is still left, so no talking before that!" Her tone was playful, but there was a genuine fondness behind it.

Maryam and Yahya both exchanged quick goodbyes, their voices tinged with the awkwardness of this new, thrilling connection.

"Chalo, Allah Hafiz," Yahya added softly, his voice filled with a warmth that made Maryam's heart flutter. "Take care of yourself."

Maryam, still processing the sound of his voice, managed to reply, "Allah Hafiz."

As soon as the call ended, Maryam let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Just as she was about to put the phone down, a notification popped up: *Yahya Merchant has sent you a follow request.*

Maryam's eyes widened as she stared at the screen. She quickly showed it to her cousins, who responded with loud squeals and screams of excitement.

"Accept it! Accept it!" they urged, practically bouncing with excitement.

Maryam, her face flushed with a mix of emotions, hesitated for just a second before tapping 'Accept.' The room erupted in cheers, her sisters and cousins enveloping her in a group hug, their voices blending into a chorus of joy and anticipation.

But as the noise around her grew, Maryam found herself lost in thought, her mind lingering on the voice she had just heard—the voice of the man who would soon be her husband.

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