Chapter 18 : Strikes And Surprises

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The car pulled into the parking lot of a bustling mall, the morning sun already casting warm hues across the rows of parked cars. As Yahya maneuvered the vehicle into a spot, Maryam's curiosity piqued. She glanced at the entrance of the mall, then back at Yahya, her brow furrowing in playful suspicion.

"Are we going shopping?" Maryam asked, her tone laced with mild incredulity. She raised an eyebrow at him, imagining a morning of hopping between stores, something she wouldn't have minded on a different day.

Yahya let out a chuckle, the sound deep and amused. "No, no," he replied, shaking his head. "Your husband isn't that boring. Trust me, you're going to love this date." There was a sparkle in his eyes, a mix of excitement and mischief that made Maryam's heart skip a beat.

She folded her arms, pretending to be unconvinced. "It's already 10 a.m., and you've got so many surprises lined up. I'm not sure if I'm liking this, Yahya. Too much mystery." Her voice held a teasing edge, but deep down, she was thrilled by his efforts. The anticipation of the unknown tugged at her, making her feel like a giddy schoolgirl again.

Yahya leaned closer, his gaze locking with hers, a smirk playing on his lips. "Stop talking and get out of the car," he said, his tone firm but playful. "I'm hungry, and you'll only like what's coming if we get started."

Maryam rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face. She opened the door and stepped out, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. Yahya was already out, circling the car to meet her on her side. He reached for her hand, his touch warm and reassuring as he led her toward the entrance.

"I can't believe you're dragging me into this," Maryam said with a mock sigh, though her heart fluttered with every step they took together.

Yahya squeezed her hand, his smile widening. "You'll believe it when you see it. Now, let's get some breakfast. You're going to need your energy for what I have planned."

As they walked through the parking lot, Maryam's mind raced with possibilities. But no matter what she imagined, she couldn't shake the growing sense that today would be special—another day that would bring them closer, adding more memories to the tapestry of their new life together.

And as they entered the mall, the morning light spilling in through the glass doors, Maryam felt the butterflies in her stomach turn into something warm and certain. She trusted Yahya, and whatever he had in store, she knew it would be worth the wait.


The café buzzed with the soft hum of conversation, but Yahya and Maryam were lost in their own little world. They sat across from each other, the remnants of their perfect English breakfast still on the table. Maryam was eating with a bit too much enthusiasm, curiosity evident in her eyes as she tried to guess what Yahya had planned next.

Yahya leaned back in his chair, a teasing smile playing on his lips as he watched her. "Slow down, Maryam," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "You can enjoy your breakfast in peace. You'll find out the surprise soon enough."

Maryam laughed, setting down her fork. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you? Keeping me in suspense like this."

"Maybe a little," Yahya admitted, chuckling. "But trust me, it'll be worth the wait."

Once they finished their meal, Yahya stood up and offered Maryam his hand. "Ready for the surprise?"

Maryam took his hand, her heart skipping a beat at the anticipation. "I've been ready since we left the house."

They left the café, Yahya leading her through the mall with a sense of purpose. Maryam's curiosity grew with each step, and when they finally stopped in front of a bowling alley, her eyes widened in surprise.

"A bowling alley?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement and disbelief. "This is the surprise?"

Yahya turned to her, his eyes sparkling with pride. "I thought normal dates were overrated," he said with a grin. "Why not do something adventurous instead?"

Maryam shook her head in amazement, a smile spreading across her face. "I must say, Yahya, you're full of surprises today. This feels like something out of a teenage dream."

Yahya's heart warmed at her reaction, thrilled that she loved the idea as much as he had hoped. "I'm glad you approve," he said, leading her inside. "Now, let's see who's the better bowler."

The atmosphere inside the bowling alley was lively, with the sounds of rolling balls and crashing pins filling the air. Maryam looked around, her excitement growing as she took in the vibrant scene. She had never been bowling before, but the thought of trying something new with Yahya made her eager to give it a shot.

"Just so you know, I have no idea how to play this game," Maryam admitted with a laugh as they approached their lane. "But I'm up for the challenge."

Yahya smiled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'll teach you," he said, grabbing a bowling ball. "But I'm not going easy on you just because it's your first time."

Maryam laughed again, loving the playful banter between them. "We'll see about that. Who knows, maybe I'll surprise you."

Yahya lined up his shot, demonstrating the technique for her. He released the ball smoothly, watching as it rolled down the lane and knocked down all the pins in a perfect strike.

"See? Easy," Yahya said, turning to her with a grin.

Maryam clapped her hands, impressed. "You make it look easy! But let's see if I can do that."

She picked up a bowling ball, her heart racing with excitement. She mimicked Yahya's stance, concentrating as she rolled the ball down the lane. The ball wobbled and veered to the side, knocking over just a few pins.

Maryam laughed at her own attempt, turning to Yahya with a sheepish grin. "Well, it's a start."

Yahya chuckled, his eyes filled with affection. "Not bad for your first try. You'll get the hang of it."

They continued playing, each turn filled with laughter and playful teasing. Yahya was a natural, his competitive edge showing as he scored strike after strike. Maryam, though not as skilled, was determined and enthusiastic, her laughter echoing through the alley each time she knocked down a pin.

As the game went on, Yahya couldn't help but admire how much fun Maryam was having. Her joy was contagious, and he found himself grinning every time she celebrated a successful throw, no matter how small the victory.

By the time they finished their game, both of them were out of breath from laughing so much. Maryam couldn't remember the last time she had enjoyed herself this much.

Yahya wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked out of the bowling alley, his heart swelling with happiness. "So, what do you think?" he asked, giving her a playful nudge. "Was it better than a regular date?"

Maryam looked up at him, her eyes shining with affection. "It was perfect," she said softly. "Thank you, Yahya. You really know how to make a girl feel special."

Yahya's smile softened as he looked at her, his love for her evident in his eyes. "I'm just glad I get to be the one to make you happy," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

As they headed back to the car, hand in hand, Maryam couldn't help but feel like this day had turned out to be more wonderful than she could have ever imagined. With Yahya by her side, every moment felt like an adventure worth remembering.

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