Chapter 1: The Unseen Path

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Yahya Merchant was a man with a singular focus—his career. At 25, he had achieved more than many could dream of, and he wasn't about to let anything distract him, especially not something as unpredictable as marriage. For Yahya, life was neatly organized into compartments, each one dedicated to his passions and responsibilities. His architectural firm was his pride, and every waking hour was spent on perfecting his craft.

But no amount of success could shield him from the one discussion that seemed to dominate every dinner table conversation at home—his marriage. His mother, Ruqayyah Merchant, had taken it upon herself to see her eldest son settled. Every day, without fail, she would bring it up, her eyes full of hope as she tried to convince Yahya to consider the idea. Yet, the answer was always the same: a firm, polite, but resolute "no."

On the other side of the city, Maryam Qureshi was also pondering her future. At 21, she had embraced the flexibility of working from home, carving out a successful career as a graphic designer. But amidst the pixels and palettes, there was a part of her heart that yearned for something more—a partner to share her life with, someone who would complement her in every way. It wasn't that she was desperate; she was simply ready. Ready to meet the person who would become her Prince Charming, who would send a proposal through the proper channels and make her dreams of a beautiful life together a reality.

Life had a way of weaving paths together, even when the people walking them had no idea. Yahya's parents, Ahmed and Ruqayyah, were invited to a wedding—an event they attended with little expectation beyond catching up with old friends. But life had other plans. At the wedding, they ran into Mr. Khalid, Maryam's nana.

Khalid was not just any old friend; he had been a mentor and father figure to Ahmed in his youth. The years had separated them physically, but their bond remained strong. As they exchanged warm greetings and reminisced about the old days, Khalid introduced his family to Ahmed and Ruqayyah. Among them was Maryam.

Ruqayyah's eyes immediately fell on Maryam, and she couldn't help but be impressed by her grace and poise. Maryam, with her warm smile and respectful demeanor, made an immediate impression.

"This is Maryam," Khalid introduced, his voice brimming with pride. "My eldest granddaughter. She's a graphic designer and has been doing some remarkable work."

Ruqayyah smiled warmly at Maryam, "Masha'Allah, it's wonderful to meet you, Maryam. Your grandfather speaks so highly of you."

Maryam returned the smile, her voice soft and respectful, "Thank you, Aunty. It's an honor to meet you too. Nana has always spoken very fondly of your family."

They exchanged a few more pleasantries, and as the conversation continued, Ruqayyah found herself more and more drawn to Maryam. There was something about the young woman's modesty and intelligence that resonated with her deeply.

"You must be very talented to be a designer at such a young age," Ruqayyah remarked.

Maryam blushed slightly, her humility shining through. "Alhamdulillah, I've been fortunate to find a passion that I love. But there's always more to learn."

Ruqayyah nodded, impressed by her humility. "You have a bright future ahead, Insha'Allah."

As the evening wore on, the brief encounter left a lasting impression on Ruqayyah. She couldn't stop thinking about Maryam and the potential she saw in her. That night, as she and Ahmed returned home, she decided to bring up the idea of Maryam to Yahya.

Later that week, as they sat down for dinner, Ruqayyah decided to broach the subject.

"Yahya," she began, carefully choosing her words, "I met someone at the wedding who reminded me so much of you."

Yahya looked up from his plate, his expression neutral but attentive. "Oh? Who was it?"

Ruqayyah hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Her name is Maryam. She's the granddaughter of Khalid Uncle, one of your father's old friends. She's a graphic designer, very talented, and..." she paused, trying to gauge his reaction, "I think you would like her."

Yahya's response was predictable. He sighed softly, setting down his fork. "Ammi, you know I'm not interested in marriage right now. I have so much going on with the firm, and I'm just not ready to take that step."

Ruqayyah, undeterred, leaned forward slightly, her eyes earnest. "Yahya, I'm not asking you to get married tomorrow. I'm just asking you to meet her, get to know her. You might be surprised."

But Yahya shook his head, a small, tired smile on his lips. "Ammi, I appreciate your concern, I really do. But I'm just not in that place right now. I have too much on my plate."

Ruqayyah sighed, knowing she had lost this round. "Alright, beta. But promise me you'll keep an open mind?"

Yahya nodded, his tone gentle as he reassured her. "I promise, Ammi. But for now, let's just focus on the work I'm doing. There will be time for all of that later."

Despite his words, the thought of Maryam lingered in the back of Ruqayyah's mind. She couldn't help but feel that there was something special about her. But for now, she would have to let it go, hoping that perhaps, in time, Yahya would be ready to see what she had seen so clearly.

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