Chapter 16 : The Playful Interruption

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When they reached the car, Yahya moved ahead and opened the passenger door for her. The simple gesture, though small, sent a wave of emotions through Maryam. She had seen such things in movies, but to experience it herself made her heart flutter. She noticed then that he was wearing the outfit she had gifted him last week—a perfect old money outfit that brought out the sharp angles of his frame, making him look even more dashing than usual. The sight of him, so effortlessly handsome, made it difficult for her to tear her eyes away.

As she slipped into the car, something caught her attention. On the seat was a bouquet of fresh roses, their deep red petals glistening with droplets of water, and beside it, a small, elegantly wrapped gift bag. Maryam picked them up, cradling them in her lap, her mind racing with curiosity and a growing sense of warmth. Yahya had thought of everything.

Just as she was processing the thoughtfulness behind the gesture, Yahya slid into the driver's seat, the door closing softly behind him. He adjusted his sunglasses, the sleek frames adding an air of sophistication to his already striking appearance. The ensemble—the old money outfit, the sunglasses—everything about him radiated confidence and style. It was impossible not to notice how well the look suited him.

The car, with its pristine white interior, felt both luxurious and intimate. Yahya had opened the sunroof curtains, allowing the light of the overcast sky to filter in. The rain, which had been gently falling all morning, left delicate droplets on the glass above them. Each raindrop added to the cozy, almost magical atmosphere inside the car.

The contrast between the warmth within and the cool, rainy world outside made Maryam feel cocooned, safe, and cherished. She glanced up at the raindrops on the sunroof, watching as they slowly merged and trickled down the glass. The sound of the rain was soft, a gentle patter that only added to the peacefulness of the moment.

Yahya turned to her with a smile, his voice soft and filled with affection. "I hope you like the flowers and the gift."

Maryam looked at him, her heart swelling with emotion. "I love them," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She wasn't just referring to the flowers or the gift, but to everything—the thoughtfulness, the attention to detail, the way he made her feel.

The quiet hum of the engine was the only sound filling the car as Yahya and Maryam drove through the rain-soaked streets of Mumbai. The city, usually bustling with life, seemed subdued under the grey sky, the raindrops drumming gently against the windows. Inside the car, however, the atmosphere was anything but calm. It was charged with a nervous energy, one that neither Yahya nor Maryam knew quite how to navigate.

It was the first time they were truly alone together since their nikaah. All their previous conversations had been shared in the company of family, where the presence of others had made it easier to talk, to laugh, to avoid the awkwardness that now hung between them. But here, in the intimacy of the car, there were no distractions—just the two of them, face to face with the reality of their new relationship.

Yahya, usually so confident and composed, found himself uncharacteristically nervous. He wasn't used to feeling this way, especially around Maryam. He had always been bold in conversation, quick to speak his mind when surrounded by others. But now, with just the two of them, he was suddenly aware of every word, every gesture. The silence between them felt heavy, almost suffocating, and he struggled to find the right thing to say.

Maryam, for her part, was equally on edge. She had been so caught up in the surprise of the morning that she hadn't had time to fully process the fact that they would be spending the day together—alone. The silence was making her uncomfortable, and she could sense that Yahya was feeling the same way. Desperate to break the tension, she decided to tease him, hoping to lighten the mood.

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