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Lingling's POV

I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

It’s ridiculous, really. I’m not some lovesick teenager, yet N’Orm’s face kept intruding on my thoughts at the most unexpected moments. I’d be absorbed in reviewing a script or focusing on a complex scene, and suddenly there she’d be—her laugh echoing in my mind, that mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she teased me between takes.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I’ve always been so sure of myself, so steady. But N’Orm… she was like a whirlwind, impossible to pin down. Every time she looked at me with that playful smile, my heart skipped a beat. It was unnerving how much she affected me without even trying.

I tried to rationalize it at first, telling myself it was just our on-screen chemistry spilling into real life. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that wasn’t true. There was something about N’Orm that drew me in, something beyond our roles in the series. She was so full of life, so effortlessly charming. And no matter how much I tried to push it aside, I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Then there was her mother.

N’Orm’s real mother had been cast as her on-screen mother in the series, which wasn’t surprising given their striking resemblance. But what caught me off guard was how easily I connected with her. Ma Koi was the complete opposite of N’Orm—calm, composed, and always so gentle. She carried herself with grace, like a serene presence that balanced out N’Orm’s energy.

From the first day of shooting, Ma Koi took a liking to me. “You’re so calm, Lingling,” she’d say with a smile. “It’s a nice contrast to my daughter’s wild spirit.”

I couldn’t help but laugh every time she said it because she was right. N’Orm was like a firecracker, while I was more like a steady breeze. Perhaps that’s why Ma Koi and I got along so well. She seemed to appreciate the calm energy I brought to the set, and I appreciated her warmth and quiet strength.

Working with her felt like an unexpected blessing. There were times when I’d watch her interact with N’Orm during breaks, fussing over her, making sure she’d eaten or reminding her to stay hydrated. I found myself smiling at the sight, touched by how much love and care she had for her daughter.

In those moments, I felt a strange sense of happiness—watching N’Orm and her mother together. It was as if I was being allowed a glimpse into something intimate, something deeply personal. Seeing how Ma Koi looked after N’Orm made me realize just how much N’Orm meant to her, and in a way, it made me care about N’Orm even more.

One day, we were shooting a particularly emotional scene between N’Orm and her  mother. I was off to the side, waiting for my part, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the two of them. The connection they shared was so genuine, so full of love. And as I watched them, I couldn’t help but wonder—was that what love looked like? That quiet, unwavering support?

It was strange, these thoughts. I had always thought I understood love, but now, seeing N’Orm, it made me question if I had ever truly known what it looked like up close. I felt an odd pang in my chest, like something was missing from my own life, something I hadn’t realized I longed for.

I wasn’t prepared for how this experience was making me feel. N’Orm and her mother’s bond was a reflection of something I found myself wanting deeply—an emotional connection that felt pure and comforting. I had never anticipated that working on a series could lead to such realizations about my own emotions and desires.

As the days went on, my feelings for N’Orm only confused me a lot. Every moment we shared, every interaction, seemed to deepen the connection I was starting to understand.

It’s strange to think that a simple acting job could bring about such intense personal revelations. But here I was, caught up in feelings I didn’t expect, trying to know them while maintaining my professional composure. All I knew for sure was that N’Orm had become a significant part of my life, and the bond we shared was something I couldn’t ignore, no matter how confusing it was.

If this is love, then maybe, just maybe, I was ready to explore what it could mean for me and N’Orm.

Would I have the courage to embrace these feelings? And if so, how would it change everything between us?


Hello, everyone. I had Lingling call Orm's mother "Ma Koi" instead of "Mrs. Sethratanapong" to make their relationship feel more personal. Plus, in "The Secret of Us," we viewers also use "Ma Koi" for Mrs. Sethratanapong.


In Thailand, "Ma" is an informal and affectionate way to refer to "mother."

UNSCRIPTED FEELINGS | LINGORM (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now