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Lingling’s POV

I let out a deep sigh as I closed the door to my apartment behind me

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I let out a deep sigh as I closed the door to my apartment behind me. The day had been long, filled with endless takes, and I was more than ready to collapse into the bed.

I tossed my bag onto the couch and headed straight to my bedroom, eager for some rest.

After a quick shower, I wrapped myself in a cozy robe and sat down on my bed, reaching for my phone. As I started to scroll through my messages, a notification popped up on my screen. It was from Twitter.

N'Orm had posted a new picture.

My heart skipped a beat as I tapped the notification. The image filled my screen, and I found myself staring at N'Orm’s beauty. N'Orm looked effortlessly beautiful. She looks like a goddess.

I couldn’t help but admire the photo. N'Orm had that effect on me, even in the most casual of settings. It was like N'Orm was a magnet, drawing my gaze and holding it captive.

I decided to check the comments. I was expecting the usual fan praise, but what I saw next caused my smile to fade.

Ying had left a comment.

The comment seemed innocent enough, but I felt a flash of jealousy hit me like a wave

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The comment seemed innocent enough, but I felt a flash of jealousy hit me like a wave. The casual familiarity of Ying’s message, the way it seemed so intimate and personal, made my heart clench. I tried to rationalize it—Ying was a friend, after all, and there was nothing wrong with their interactions. But the jealousy I felt was raw and unsettling.

I stared at the comment for a few moments, my mind racing. I thought back to earlier in the day when I had felt a pang of jealousy seeing N'Orm and Ying together on set. It was clear now that my feelings were becoming more complicated than I had anticipated.

I bit my lip, trying to push away the uncomfortable feelings. It wasn’t fair to feel this way, especially since I didn’t even have a claim on N'Orm. We were friends and colleagues, nothing more. And yet, the idea of Ying’s comment, of her familiarity with N'Orm, hit me.

I scrolled through the other comments, trying to distract myself, but my mind kept drifting back to Ying’s message. I could almost hear the tone in which Ying had written it—casual, friendly, but with an undertone of something more that made my insides twist with jealousy.

My phone buzzed again, and I glanced at it, only to see another notification from Twitter. This time, it was from one of my friends. I quickly opened the message, hoping to shift my focus, but my thoughts were still occupied by N'Orm and the way my feelings were getting increasingly tangled.

I set my phone down on the nightstand and took a deep breath. I lay back on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I tried to calm my racing thoughts. It was just a comment. Just another friendly message from someone N'Orm knew. It wasn’t a big deal, I told myself.

But the truth was, the jealousy I felt was real. It was a feeling I couldn’t easily shake off. I wanted to be the one making N'Orm smile like that, the one receiving messages from her, the one who had her attention. And seeing Ying’s comment only highlighted how much I wished I could be closer to N'Orm.

Again, I couldn’t stop thinking about the comments. Was there a plan for N'Orm and Ying to meet up? After all, we didn’t have any shoots for this week, giving us some time to rest. I wondered if they had plans to spend time together during that break, and the thought made me even more anxious.

As exhaustion finally began to take over, I turned off my bedside lamp and pulled the covers over myself. Today’s events were replayed in my mind, from the moments of closeness with N'Orm to the sudden burst of jealousy brought on by a simple Twitter comment. I felt a mix of frustration and longing, my emotions more tangled than ever.

With a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would come soon and bring me some rest from the whirlwind of feelings. As I drifted off, my last thoughts were of N'Orm’s smile and the unfamiliar, yet undeniable, feelings that continued to stir within me.

— Unedited

UNSCRIPTED FEELINGS | LINGORM (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now