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Lingling’s POV

I had kissed N’Orm before—it was during our audition for "The Secret of Us". It was part of the process, a way for the producers to see if we had the right chemistry for the roles. Yet, when our lips first touched, something unexpected happened.

At that moment, I felt a jolt of something unfamiliar, a spark I hadn’t anticipated. It was as if the kiss had awakened a part of me. I tried to push those feelings aside, telling myself it was just part of the job and nothing more. N’Orm was simply my scene partner, and the kiss was just another professional requirement.

But despite my attempts to rationalize it, I couldn’t shake the lingering sensation from that audition. It was more than just a fleeting moment; it stayed with me, echoing in my mind long after the audition was over. The unfamiliar feelings from that kiss continued to appear, and I found myself unable to stop thinking about it.

And now...

As I stood on set, ready for our first on-screen kiss, I could feel my heart racing. The scene was beautifully written—our characters, who had been dancing around their feelings for each other throughout the series, were finally about to confess their love. The tension had been building for weeks, and this kiss would be the moment everything changed between them. But for me, it wasn’t just the characters whose lives were about to change.

N’Orm was standing across from me, her eyes soft but playful, the way they always were before a big scene. She didn’t seem nervous at all. If anything, she looked excited, like she was ready to jump into it headfirst the way she did with everything. I envied that about her. She never hesitated.

The director called for action, and we moved into the scene, our characters confessing their feelings in hushed, breathless tones. As the dialogue faded, I felt the weight of what was coming next. This kiss wasn’t just a repeat of the audition. It wasn’t just another scene in a script.

It was something more. And that terrified me.

As N’Orm’s face drew closer to mine, I couldn’t help but remember that first kiss during the audition. There was a warmth blooming in my chest, and my mind raced with thoughts I couldn’t control. I tried to remind myself that this was just a scene. Just acting. But my body wasn’t listening.

Our lips touched, and the world seemed to pause.

The kiss was different this time. It was more than a brief, clinical touch. N’Orm’s lips were soft against mine, and the warmth of her breath sent shivers down my spine. The kiss began gently, almost shyly, but as it deepened, I felt an overwhelming surge of emotions—confusion, longing, and something deeper that I wasn’t ready to name.

I was supposed to be focusing on my character, on creating a moment that resonated with the audience. But all I could think about was how this kiss was stirring something inside me—something that had been building since our audition, something I hadn’t wanted to acknowledge.

When the director finally called “cut,” I pulled away quickly, trying to compose myself. My heart was pounding, and I felt a flush rising to my cheeks. N’Orm looked at me with a bright, playful smile, completely unaware of the chaos she had just caused in my heart and mind.

I forced a smile in return, trying to act as if everything was normal, but inside, I was a whirlwind of emotions. The kiss had felt real, and it had stirred up feelings I wasn’t prepared to confront. The professional barrier I had tried to maintain was crumbling, and I was left battling with my own emotions.

As I walked off the set, the echo of our kiss lingered in my mind. The difference between the audition and this moment was stark. What had once felt like a mere professional task now felt like something much more significant. I couldn’t ignore the growing feelings I had for N’Orm, even though I wasn’t sure how to handle it.

This first on-screen kiss had shaken something loose inside me. It blurred the lines between fiction and reality, and despite my best efforts to push it all away, I knew I couldn’t ignore the growing affection I felt for her. I liked her, more than I was ready to admit, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to separate my feelings from the roles we were playing.

That night, as I lay in bed, I couldn’t stop replaying the kiss in my mind. The confusion and longing were overwhelming, and no matter how much I tried to push the feelings aside, they refused to go away. All I could think about was how N’Orm had managed to slip under my defenses, leaving me unsure of what to do next.

The professional distance I had maintained was now a thing of the past. I was left to know these new emotions on my own, unsure of how to proceed. As I drifted off to sleep, one question echoed in my mind: Could I continue to separate my professional life from my personal feelings, or was I on the brink of something that would change everything?


• In an interview, Lingling and Orm both mentioned that they felt something during their kiss at the audition.

• Lingling can speak Thai, Cantonese, Mandarin, and English.

• Orm debuted as an actress in the 2019 BL series "Hotel Stars" (Is it true?)

• Orm is the third-generation heir of Sethachon Co., Ltd

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