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Lingling's POV

I glanced down at my phone, Junji's list still open on my notes app. The next item stood out in bold letters: Spend more time alone with her. It sounded so simple, but the weight of what it implied made my heart race. I had already hesitated about inviting N'Orm to dinner, so this was the next logical step, right?

Alone. Just the two of us, away from the set, away from all the chaos that surrounded our lives.

I let out a small breath, trying to steady myself as I mentally prepared for the day ahead. Today was one of those rare moments when we'd have some downtime in between filming. Maybe I could use this as a chance to get closer to her... It couldn't be that hard, could it?

When I arrived on set, I saw N'Orm sitting on one of the couches in the waiting area, scrolling through her phone. Her hair fell softly around her face, and she had that relaxed, almost playful expression she always carried. It was a look that could make anyone's heart skip a beat.

N'Orm, I thought. The very sight of her sent shivers down my spine.

"P'Lingling!" N'Orm's voice broke through my thoughts as she noticed me approaching. She smiled, that beautiful smile that made my chest feel lighter and heavier at the same time.

"Hey," I replied, trying to keep my tone casual. My nerves were already building up, but I forced myself to focus on the plan. "We've got a few hours before we start shooting again... Do you want to grab a coffee with me? Maybe find somewhere quiet to relax?"

I watched her expression carefully, searching for any sign that she might be hesitant. But N'Orm's smile only widened as she stood up. "Yeah, sure! I could use a break."

Relief flooded through me. Step one-getting her to spend time with me-was a success.

We left the set and walked toward a small café nearby. The conversation was easy, light, but there was this underlying tension between us. At least, I felt it. Every time she laughed, every time her arm brushed mine, my heart would stutter, and I'd have to remind myself to stay calm.

We found a cozy spot near the back of the café, where the chatter of other customers wasn't too loud. After ordering our drinks, we sat down across from each other, the mood shifting slightly as the conversation became quieter, more intimate. It felt nice... almost too nice.

"Have you been thinking about the next scene?" N'Orm asked, sipping her iced coffee. "It's another one of those 'close' ones."

I chuckled nervously, trying to play it off. "Yeah... I've been thinking about it." I hesitated before adding, "We've done a lot of those scenes by now, haven't we?"

She nodded, but then her eyes caught mine, and I couldn't look away. There was something different in her gaze, something warmer, softer, but it also made my stomach flutter with nerves. It was like she could see right through me.

"You know," N'Orm said after a moment, leaning forward just slightly, "I think you're really good at those kinds of scenes. You make it easy to... I don't know, get lost in the moment."

I felt my cheeks flush. "You too... I mean, you're really good at making everything feel natural." My voice was quieter than I intended, and I could feel the heat rising up my neck. I tried to laugh it off, but the butterflies in my stomach were going wild.

We continued talking, but there was this unspoken energy between us now. Every glance seemed to linger a little longer than usual. Every touch felt just a bit more charged. I couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling the same way-or if it was just me, caught up in my own emotions.

The hours passed quickly, and soon, it was time to head back to the set. As we made our way back, N'Orm turned to me suddenly and grinned. "Let's take the long way back."

I blinked in surprise but nodded, happy to extend our time alone together. We walked slowly, the sun setting behind the city skyline, casting everything in a warm, golden light. I couldn't help but glance over at her, catching the way the light hit her face, making her look even more beautiful than usual.

I wanted to say something-to tell her how I was feeling-but the words stuck in my throat. Instead, I just smiled, enjoying the moment, even though my heart was pounding.

When we finally returned to the set, it was time to shoot the next scene-one of those close, intimate moments again. We were supposed to be lying together, our characters slowly falling asleep in each other's arms. As we settled into the bed, the familiar warmth of N'Orm's body next to mine made my chest tighten.

But this time, there was no falling asleep. We were both too aware of each other, too aware of the tension crackling between us.

As the cameras started rolling, I pulled N'Orm closer, feeling her breath on my neck. My heart raced, and I could feel the intensity of the scene starting to take over. The script called for a soft, lingering embrace, but everything about it felt more real than just acting. Her touch sent shivers down my spine, and I was fighting so hard to stay in character.

N'Orm's presence made every second feel intense, and I had to remind myself to stay focused. It was difficult to ignore the connection we had, the way she felt so natural in my arms. The lines of the script were lost on me as I became absorbed in the moment.

When the director called cut, neither of us moved right away. We stayed wrapped in each other's warmth, both caught in a quiet, unspoken understanding. It was both comforting and electrifying, and I knew this was more than just a scene.

As we finally got up and prepared for the next shot, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between us. The closeness we shared in those moments made me realize just how much I was starting to care. It wasn't just about acting anymore; it was about something deeper, something I wasn't sure I was ready to fully confront.

I glanced at N'Orm, catching her eye as she smiled at me. There was an intensity in her gaze that mirrored my own, and I couldn't help but feel that today had brought us even closer.

- Unedited

UNSCRIPTED FEELINGS | LINGORM (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now