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Before we knew it, it was the morning of the festival. My quirk and strength have improved within the two weeks I had to train. It wasn't easy, especially when I sparred against Amajiki-san and my dad. I was putting on my shoes as I prepared to walk out my front door. I had a container of 50 cookies I technically made but my mom infused her quirk with them so they could serve as healing help as well. My mom wrapped me in a tight hug and caressed my cheek, "Look at you! My sweet girl off to her first sports festival." She smiled softly. "Do your best, cupcake. I'll be cheering for you in the shop. Our regulars are gonna watch too."

I smiled widely and nodded, "Thank you. I'll see you soon, Mom. Bye, love you!" I rushed out my door and hurried to the station. I sighed out of relief as I saw Ochaco board the train with me. "Ocha!" I greeted happily.

"N/n!" Ochaco greeted back as she sat next to me. "You made cookies?" 

I hummed and nodded, "I was too nervous last night and couldn't sleep. So I made cookies."

Her eyes widened, "Did you sleep at all?"

"I got a few hours!" I answered. "Don't worry, Ocha. You know a little sleepiness never affected me." Ochaco just sighed and leaned her head against my shoulder. 

I greeted my classmates happily as I placed the container of cookies on the table in the middle of the waiting room. "Good morning, everyone! I brought some cookies!~" I opened the container. It was split into five sections with 10 different kinds of cookies in three, but 20 chocolate chip cookies lined neatly in one big section. "We've got chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, peanut butter, and white chocolate macadamia nut." I pulled a thing of napkins and hand sanitizer from my bag. 

"You're an angel, you know that?" Kaminari rhetorically asked as he grabbed a chocolate chip cookie. I smiled softly and placed my bag in a locker.

"Don't eat too many before the games, I don't want you getting sick," I scolded lightly. 

"Man, I was totally hoping I could use my costume," Mina complained as she looked at the gym uniform we were required to wear. 

"At least everyone'll be in uniforms. That'll keep things fair, right?" Ojiro added kindly. 

"I wonder what they have planned for us in the first round," Sato asked as he nervously bounced in his seat. I rubbed his shoulder soothingly in hopes of settling his nerves.

"Whatever they throw at us, we must persevere," Tokoyami said from the end of the table. I saw Dark Shadow peeking out and I grinned. I looked at my bird friend and then gestured at the cookies in front of us. Tokoyami sighed before nodding. I giggled excitedly as I grabbed a Snickerdoodle cookie and walked over to Dark Shadow. 

"Here ya' go!" I cheerfully said. "You do your best with Yami today, okay?" I cooed as I pet the quirk. Dark Shadow happily indulged in my affection as she ate the cookie I offered. The shadow quirk nodded at my words and sunk back to Tokoyami. 

"Everyone!" Iida said as he burst through the door. "Get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon!" I gave him a thumbs up. I would've told the class that, but I was busy thinking about what I was going to say at the stand. A few days ago, Midnight approached me after class. 

"Y/N, you're 1-A's class rep, right?" Midnight asked. 

I blinked a bit before nodding. "Yeah, what's up?"

"Well, some of the teachers from the other courses were... concerned for the spirits of the festival because Katsuki Bakugo will be saying a few words before the games begin," Midnight explained. "He's going because he got first on the entrance exam, but we're going to have you on standby in case he... well, you know."

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