Chapter 40

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Standing in front of the doors leading to the feast hall you decided that maybe this was a bad idea. Waiting to enter did not help your nerves and they threatened to take hold as each minute ticked past. Eleven years since you had walked these halls, almost thirteen years since you had last sat within the feast hall and you were unsure about being back remembering Odin's parting words, Let us hope the inevitable is delayed until your return, looking down at your pregnant belly those words could not have sounded any more prophetic.

"What is wrong ástin mín?" Loki asked when he saw your face, walking over and grabbing your shoulders to turn you to face him.

"Just nerves." You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself. "It has been years since I have been here."

"And she can no longer harm you, Helena is gone, she married Surtr, Odin would not allow her to return, not after your threat."

"I have learnt to not trust Fate."

"Put it all out of your mind, focus instead on walking through that door tonight as my wife with our children."

"Ok..." You nodded before looking back up at him. "Still, after everything you dont think?"

"Think what? That I have a beautiful wife that I love more than life itself and four wonderful children." One of his hands going to your belly. "Five if you count this little one."

"But what if-"

"-But what? Odin invited us here tonight, nothing bad will happen, I promise." Hearing the doors open Loki held out an arm towards you, a huge grin on his face. "Now hold that head of yours high my queen and let us show this court what true love is."

Taking a deep breath you managed to put a smile on your face and took his arm as you both walked towards the hall, your children following as you had both instructed them to do so. As you got closer you tried to keep your eyes ahead and not show any nerves as everyone in the hall that night stopped their conversations and looked towards you all as you made your way to one of the high tables.

You could see Thor smiling towards you all and to your shock a lady sitting next to Njörðr who you had not met before and who you assumed must be their children. There were also a few other people you had not seen before. Taking your seat between Thor and Loki you noticed a few stunned looks from those around you, they had not seen you since your exile and a few mouths had dropped open when they noticed that not only were there an extra two children but you were also pregnant.

What you had not expected was to see the doors open again and in walk Helena. You think even Loki's mouth dropped open in shock.

"What is she doing here!" you whispered towards Loki.

"I don't know," he whispered back angrily.

"Thor!" You leant towards him and whispered hoping Odin who was sitting on his other side would not hear you. "What is Helena doing here!"

"She was invited-"

"-Invited?! What are you talking about!" you raised your voice in distress and received a glare from Odin.

"As per your invitation. All the realms and their representatives are invited tonight in the hope to prosper peace."

Loki felt his stomach drop at what Thor had said, Helena had taken your notes and was now here. She had married Surtr for a reason and the fact you now sat beside him pregnant made him worry. Tonight was a very very bad idea and he now regretted not overruling you on the decision to come. Hearing you start to hyperventilate next to him he focused back on you.

"Breathe my love," he spoke softly, trying to stop your panic attack. "Breathe."

"You said she wouldn't be here!" you hissed out angrily at Loki.

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