XLI - Lykos

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After a moment with his mate, Lykos knew that he had to get himself ready. Ready enough to be presentable and literally ready enough to meet their children's guests. Lycans from all across Europe were going to be attending this party, or rather this gathering and everything had to be in order. This included both he and his mate Selene.

"Why are you smiling? Is there something funny you are willing to share?" He asked turning to his mate who was clearly laying on their bed.

"Just the thought of you getting ready and being presentable. As if you are not already perfect in every sense of the word." She replied as she got up to wear the gold gown.

"You know our daughter. Everything has to be presentable and perfect. If something as tiny as me not being able to dress properly, she might lose it."

"Well Rillianna is like you sometimes. Everything has to be in order or else." Astrea smiled as she tidied herself.

Lykos always enjoyed watching his mate dress up. 

Something he enjoyed even when both of them were very young. 

But he knew he had something else to keep him distracted while he finished getting himself ready. 

Even though both he and his mate were inside the pack house, they were able to hear and listen as clearly as if they were outside of what was going on. 

He sensed something that was not according to any plan, but before he could turn to tell his mate, she was clearly out of the room. 

Without anything in mind, and finishing the last button to his suit, he strolled out of their room, out of the pack house and into the grounds. 

Just in time to see his mate, their son, their daughter, and Leila. 

All whom were actually talking to the first few folks who just arrived. 

From his line of sight, it would look like everything was normal, but if it were, he would not have sensed an emotional Darcy trying his best to not break and run. So with a small sigh and a smile, he strolled towards his son and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Good Evening everyone. Let me introduce myself. I am Lykos Samaal Aion Iapetus Krayle Wolfe. Darcy and Rillianna's Father, and beside me is my wife and mate Astrea Selene Inkeri Clio Bia Makos Wolfe. It is nice to meet my children's friends. My mate and I have heard so much about you two. Ah Draven. It is nice to see you again son. How are your parents?"

"Good Evening sir, they are good thank you."

Lykos merely smiled and turned lovingly at his wife before turning to look at Darcy who was either trying so hard not to bolt again.

"Son? May I have a word?"

He nodded to the new comers before excusing himself and went farther but not too far that he was not able to assess the issue either. Seeing Darcy following him, he stopped and smiled.

"What is wrong?"

He did not expect his son to not answer but this was something new.




"I um."

Lykos noticed the fact that his son was looking at the guests again.

"Do you want to invite one of them over?"

He saw his son shake his head and he nodded in understanding. 

Waiting for him to continue. 

"I was looking at Leila." 

"Do you want Leila to come over?"

"No. I can do this." He said sighing.

"I'm listening."

"Dad. The girl with brown hair..."


"That's my mate."

What Darcy was about to say next only surprised him. 

Yet, he was simply lost for words. 

For what seemed like a few minutes, he regained his composure and asked again.

"Who is she."

"Her name is Dublin Bastiaan. The little girl that I met about 10 years ago."

Lykos turned his gaze back at the little girl who was clearly not so little anymore.

"She is your chosen mate."


"Well son, let me tell you this. It is never easy, but it will be. Don't lose hope. Go along now. Have fun. While your mother and I are going to be greeting other guests."

He saw his son standing in silence as if rooted to the spot. 

He understood how that felt because he was once where his son was now when he first knew that his own cousin was his destined mate.

Patting his son in the back, he went to where Leila was standing and gestured to her to get Darcy which she did, and went straight to grab his mate's hand, nodded to the younger guests and went on to greet the rest.

This party was indeed going to be very interesting. 

Wolfe - Darcy & Dublin's BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now