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"Mhm..." Midoriya wakes up, Bakugou clinging onto him tightly. He sleeps peacefully. Midoriya turns his body to face Bakugou's face. "You're so precious now." He says, touching his hair. I shouldn't have turned you down. He hugs him tightly. Sorry. 

This wakes up Bakugou. "Oh gosh, your eyes." Bakugou licks his lips. His eye shape were always the same, Midoriya meant his pupils. They were sharp, but then they slowly change and dilated. Bakugou smiled, and moved closed to Midoriya. "I need to go to Mr. Aizawa to fix this, it's getting worse." Bakugou didn't understand. Fix what? I'm fine. 

Midoriya sits up and Bakugou sits along with him too. Bakugou yawns and stretches. "Where are your clothes?" Bakugou cocks his head to the side. Huh? 

"Hold on, let me get you some." When Midoriya stands up, Bakugou follows. "No! You stay here." Bakugou plops back down and snuggles in a blanket. He waits for Midoriya to come back, eyes closed and body relaxed. Bakugou starts to wonder why Midoriya talked about fixing this, fixing him. 

"Back. Put these on." It was a white shirt, black pants, and black shoes. "We're going out."


Bakugou licks his lips again as they go outside. "You will stay with me the entire time, okay?" Bakugou nods, agreeing to everything he says at this point. Bakugou takes Midoriya's hand as they walk out the apartment.  

Once they get into the car, Bakugou puts his own seatbelt on, which briefly relieves Midoriya as he puts his own seatbelt on. Bakugou kicked his legs back in forth, despite how small the space was. 

When they hit a red light, Bakugou stared at it intensely, mesmerized because it was the same color as his eyes. But the second it changed green, he was flabbergasted. Wasn't it just red? Why'd it change? 

It's like it was as if a cat changed to human, not the other way around now. He stares out the window, seeing a little bit of his reflection. He blinks. Is it because of my eyes I need fixing? He frowns. Midoriya doesn't like my eyes? 

He slouches down in his chair. "What is it?" They park and exit the car. Bakugou blinks at him and then points at his eyes. "What about them?" He makes an x with his arms. "Ohh...! Kacchan, I don't hate your eyes, they're pretty." Bakugou's frown turns upside down as they walk into the building. "Where the hell is Mr. Aizawa!?" Midoriya yells. Bakugou saw this humorous. He tried doing it too, but angry cat noises came out instead. He saw this humorous as well. 

"I'm here, what is it? Oh geez." Aizawa takes a look at Bakugou. "He's terrifying." Midoriya quickly covers his ears. "Don't say that to him, he's a lot more sensitive now." He doesn't like my eyes? Bakugou closes his eyes so no one has to see them. Midoriya rubs his face. "Look what you did. Anyways, he needs to have the cure. It's getting worse. His eyes changed."

Aizawa nods. "I can see that." Bakugou sits on the ground. He doesn't like me eyes. He lied. 

"Kacchan, I like your eyes, so relax. It's just not healthy because you aren't originally a cat, you're originally human. Where the heck is that villain?"

Midoriya looks around. "Backroom." Midoriya nods. "Watch him for me, would you? Thanks." Then he's nowhere to be seen. 


"Open it! Open it!" Midoriya tugs and tugs on the door. The people unlock it for him, and he's met with the villain in front of him. "Change him back now! Wait, what's he doing here?" Bakugou stares at the villain. He points at him. "He seems pretty happy to me. I don't see the reason why I need to change him back." Bakugou agrees. Midoriya really, really, really wants to hit him in the face, as hard as he can. 

"Why do you even fucking do this?" Midoriya wouldn't lie though that he had a great time with Bakugou while he was a half-cat. He knew none of it was right, especially what he was thinking. 

"Because, cats are the best animal. If the whole world is cats, you shouldn't worry—" Midoriya punches him hard in the face, causing Aizawa to interfere. "That is the most stupidest reason to become a villain! You don't even care about how things are supposed to be, you just want to do things to your own appeal. You're a fucking villain of the week, why are we still having problems!?"

"Midoriya, go take a breather." Midoriya stomps out, feeling embarrassed because he's more pissed than he should've been. Bakugou turns his head and watches Midoriya stomp away in anger and becomes pissed at the villain. He scratches his face 3 times. "Bakugou! Don't do that!"

He stomps off too. He looks for Midoriya, hoping to give him the comfort he deserves. He doesn't like when Midoriya's upset, so when he saw him sitting on the steps into the building, he became sad too. "Meow?" Midoriya turns around. He's...

get cliff hangered

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last chapter coming sept 1 

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