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"A little kitty." Yes, in fact, the transformation was complete. Bakugou walked over to Midoriya, and crawled onto his lap. Midoriya can't help it, letting out tears that hid in his heart for a while. "Y-You're a kitty." He picks Bakugou up, responded by a meow. A happy one.

"N-No, this isn't good. The stupid v-villain isn't gonna help, so you're stuck like this." Another happy meow comes out. Midoriya chuckles, but it quickly becomes tears. "S-Stop it, you see me crying. I need you." Bakugou wiggled from his grip and licked the tears off his face. Midoriya continues to cry, and Bakugou continues to lick until there's none. 

"Thanks..." once again, another happy meow. "We need to change you back, quickly." So Midoriya rubs his face and they go inside. He curses out Nekroslash as he goes back to him, his precious kitty in hand.

"Aizawa!" Aizawa turns around. Aizawa knows he isn't supposed to call him that alone. "Look." Bakugou stared at Aizawa and made a happy meow. "How much time does he have?"

"Hm...about 3 hours. That's the knowledge I got out of him at least." Midoriya walks around him and enters the investigation room again. "I see he's finally completed his transformation, hm?"

"Change him back now, or I'll kill you!" Midoriya was surprised that escaped his lips. He was bluffing of course, heroes can't kill villains, and villains shouldn't kill heroes. "Bluffer."

Midoriya blinks tears out his eyes, feeling embarrassed to cry in front of Nekroslash. "Change him, dammit, please! I actually thought th-that you changing him into this would hurt me and him, but it actually changed my life a lot then it should have!" Midoriya feels bad, proving his point. 

"But I don't want to have him as a cat. You may have...caused a new relationship, but you not fixing your fucking problem will increase your goddamn sentence. So please, change him back!"

He blinks. Was he hearing right? A side character made an improvement on people who actually have a reason for existence? "Shorten it to 2 years."

"Done!" Aizawa hit his face as he watches through the glass. That is very, very unreasonable considering his original sentence is 20 years. But I can't do anything about it because...he sees Midoriya's overjoyed face...Midoriya keeps his promises. 

"Alright." Nekroslash snaps his fingers, causing Bakugou to instantly become human again, no ears, no tail, just a guy in a white t-shirt, black pants, and black shoes. 

Midoriya started kissing his cheek aggressively, causing the villain to turn in disbelief. "Alright, time to wrap this up," Aizawa walks in. "You two, out. And you," 

Nekroslash gulps, "Your sentence will be quintupled, whether you like it or not. 2 years is not reasonable for a 20 year imprisonment." He sighs. "It was a good try though." Aizawa pats his shoulder, "Yeah it was."


Flushed and excited, Bakugou holds Midoriya's hand tightly as they go back home. "So that villain made a difference, huh?" Bakugou turns his head to Midoriya, worrying him about his driving etiquette. "Focus on the road, dumbass. And yeah, he did." Midoriya turns his head, smiling with tints of pink on his cheeks. 

"Y'know, you were so cute as a cat."

"Don't call me cute."

"Especially when you cuddled into a blanket, naked." Bakugou flushes, "I-I don't remember that." Midoriya cocks his head. "Really? Aizawa said your memories will stay intact. Unless the wittle kitties lying." Bakugou flushes a bit more. "N-No, I'm not, I don't remember."

Yes, he was lying. 

He remembered every moment of it. The joy of it, being a cat. Well, more of a halfie than a cat. 

"And don't call me a kitty." Midoriya is suddenly remembered by that catnip time. "I'm totally sure you remember the time catnip made you high." He flushes hard. "I can't fucking focus!"

Midoriya giggles. He plants a kiss on Bakugou's cheek, causing him to smile softly. 

"1 Bakugou, 0 Midoriya."

Midoriya pinches the bridge of his nose. "Shut up about your charisma! You're charismatic! We all know that!" Bakugou squeezes Midoriya's face. "I always win."

"No, you do not—!"

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bonus cumming in 3 days get cliffhangered again

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