Ch.6 - A Bit of Doubting

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Cassandra teased, "How sweeeeet! He let you sleep over at his?" Her voice dripped with mock enthusiasm, and her eyes sparkled with amusement.

Evan grumbled, crossing his arms defensively. "What!? Sweet? Him? No. He's just trying to get me all buttered up before he could shatter me."

Cassandra chuckled, clearly enjoying the exchange. "Oh, come on! You're telling me there's nothing redeeming about him? Not even a little?"

Evan shook his head firmly. "No! I refuse to believe he cares, even for the slightest bit."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening. "You're really that sure, huh? No soft spot for the man who let you crash at his place?"

Evan's voice was edged with frustration. "He's just playing some twisted game. I'm not falling for it."

Cassandra leaned back into the couch, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "You're totally underestimating him. Or maybe... you're just scared that you're wrong."

Evan scoffed, though a flicker of doubt crossed his mind. "Scared? No. I just know how he operates, Cass. He doesn't do anything without an agenda."

Cassandra sighed, leaning forward. "Look, I get it. But maybe you should consider the possibility that he's not as heartless as you think. I mean, six years is a long time for someone to still be hanging around."

Evan paused, considering her words despite himself. "Or it just means he's a control freak who doesn't know when to let go."

Cassandra placed a hand on his arm, her touch gentle but insistent. "Or maybe it means he's someone who regrets letting you go in the first place."

Evan stared at her, the words hitting closer to home than he liked. He shook his head, trying to brush off the thought. "Even if that's true, it doesn't change anything. He's still Alexei. He's still..." He trailed off, unable to find the right words.

Cassandra's gaze softened as she watched Evan grapple with his thoughts. She squeezed his arm gently, offering silent support. "Maybe," she continued thoughtfully, "there's more to him than you realize. People change. Even the most hardened hearts can soften over time."

Evan looked at her, his thoughts filled with a mixture of frustration and confusion. "I don't know, Cass. He's always been... you know, freaky. And kind of an asshole if you ask me. He's never been in a romantic relationship. He just... he never shows sympathy, and even if he does, that's rare. It's hard to believe that he'd have any genuine feelings for anyone, let alone me."

They sat in silence for a while, Evan staring at the ground, lost in thought. Cassandra finally broke the quiet.

"So, how's the new job going for you?" she asked, her tone light but genuinely curious.

Evan blinked, momentarily pulled from his introspection as he looked up. He shrugged, though his expression was more thoughtful than casual. "It's... going. You know, the job itself is fine. It's just everything else in my life that makes me stressed, especially during work." He stopped for a moment before continuing. "Which... makes it not fine."

Cassie shook her head, her attempt to lighten the mood clear in her tone. "Do you think Mr. Laurier would buy the company for you?"

Evan blinked, taken aback by the suggestion. "No...?" His voice trailed off as he reconsidered. "There's no way Alexei would find out I work there."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow. "He very much could, you know."

"He needs to get off my dick. I'd quit, then!" His voice was edged with exasperation. He stopped, the reality of the situation sinking in. "Oh, who am I kidding? He owns like, three-fourths of the city at this point. I'm screwed, aren't I?"

"Probably." Cass chuckled. "You know, he's kind of hot. I know you secretly like him. It's so obvious. You're like a deer in headlights."

Evan shot her a look of disbelief. "What? No way. That's... that's absurd."

Cassandra laughed, clearly amused by his flustered reaction. "Oh, come on. You can't deny he's got that whole brooding, powerful thing going on. It's like something out of one of those trashy romance novels."

Evan groaned, trying to erase the image from his mind. "Please, don't. I can't deal with that thought right now. Besides, even if he's got the looks, it doesn't change the fact that he's a manipulative jerk."

Cassandra shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Hey, sometimes those trashy romance novels have a point. Maybe there's more to him than just the power games and control. Maybe, deep down, he's actually just a lonely guy who doesn't know how to express himself."

Evan rolled his eyes, trying to shake off the suggestion, but he couldn't fully ignore the seed of doubt she'd planted. "Or maybe he's just a degenerate who gets off on making people squirm."

"Or maybe you're scared to admit that you see something in him you're not ready to face," Cassandra countered, her tone gentle but firm.

Evan opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He stared at her, the conflicting emotions swirling in his mind.

Cassandra's expression softened as she leaned back, giving him space to process. "You don't have to figure it all out right now, Evan. Just... don't close yourself off to the possibility that people can surprise you. Sometimes, the ones we least expect are the ones who end up meaning the most."

Evan sighed, his defenses slowly crumbling under her words. "I don't know, Cass. Maybe you're right, but it's hard to believe he could ever be different."

Cassandra smiled warmly. "Just give it time. You never know what might happen."

Evan responded, his voice a mix of skepticism and resignation. "This is... unlike you. Since when were you so... moral?"

"Since, like, never." Cassandra admitted with a grin. "You're right, I'm not this nerdy."

Evan chuckled, the tension easing slightly as he shook his head. "It's still weird to hear you talk like this."

Cassandra shrugged playfully. "Well, someone's got to keep you grounded. Might as well be me."

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