Ch.8 - The Price of Control

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Everyone around Evan was getting up, pushing back their chairs, and gathering their things, ready to return to the grind. The early morning meeting had thrown everyone off, and there was a palpable sense of relief as people began to shuffle out of the conference room. But for Evan, there was no relief in sight.

His heart was still pounding, his hands twitching to grab his stuff and dash out the door. He needed to put as much distance as possible between himself and the "freaky asshole" who had just bought the company.

Evan was already halfway up from his seat, determined to disappear into the crowd and make a quick exit, when that familiar voice sliced through the room like a blade.

"Evan, come see me at my office, yeah?"

The voice was smooth, commanding, and unmistakably Alexei's.

Evan froze mid-movement, every muscle in his body going tense. He felt a hot rush of frustration course through him, followed by a wave of panic. He didn't need to look up to know that every eye in the room was now staring between him and Alexei, a mix of curiosity and confusion etched on their faces. His colleagues wondering why their new boss was singling him out, and Evan could already feel the pressure mounting.

He swallowed hard, resisting the urge to slam his fist against the table. Of course Alexei would do this, he'd never been one to avoid confrontation, and now, as the man in charge, he was asserting his control in the most public way possible. Just, Great! As if this day couldn't get worse.

Evan slowly lowered himself back into his seat, staring at the table in front of him as the rest of the room emptied out. He tried to act calm, tried to suppress the the negative emotions that threatened to spill over. His mind was racing, filled with dread at the thought of what Alexei might want. He could still feel the weight of Alexei's eyes on him, that sharp, calculating gaze that had always unsettled him.

As the last of his colleagues filed out of the room, Evan glanced up, catching a glimpse of Alexei near the door, waiting for the crowd to disperse. Alexei looked as cool and composed as ever, his eyes unreadable. There was no hint of emotion on his face, no sign of... anything. Just a cold, professional demeanor that only made Evan feel more uneasy.

Once the door closed behind the last employee, Alexei turned and gave Evan a slight nod. "I'll see you in five minutes." he said, his voice low but firm.

Without waiting for a response, Alexei walked out, leaving Evan sitting alone in the empty conference room.

Evan stared at the door for a moment, his mind still spinning. Why does he have to do this? he thought bitterly. Why now?

He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. He didn't have a choice. If Alexei was calling him to his office, it wasn't like he could say no. Not when Alexei literally owned the company now.

Standing up, Evan grabbed his notebook and phone, shoving them into his bag. His legs felt shaky as he made his way out of the conference room, heading toward the elevator. His mind was running through a hundred different scenarios, none of them good.

Evan's heart raced as he stepped into the hallway, his footsteps oddly loud in the otherwise quiet space. Each step felt heavier than the last, the weight of his dread growing stronger. He was trying to steel himself, but the closer he got to the elevator, the more his anxiety spiked.

Finally, he arrived at Alexei's office. The large double doors were slightly ajar, and the sight made Evan's chest tighten. He paused for a second, trying to gather his thoughts, before gently knocking on the door.

"Come in." Alexei's deep voice responded from inside.

Taking a deep breath, Evan pushed the door open and stepped into the room. The space was as impressive as he remembered, modern, spacious, with a wall of windows overlooking the city skyline. The early morning light bathed the office in a soft glow, but it did nothing to ease Evan's growing unease.

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