Ch.7 - The New Owner, Game Over?

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Evan sat in the meeting room, slouched in his assigned seat, stifling a yawn as he glanced at the clock on the wall. It was seven-thirty in the morning. An hour that felt far too early for anything significant, especially when his usual arrival time was a good ninety minutes later. Who the fuck schedules a meeting at such an ungodly hour? he thought, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He could have been in bed, wrapped up in his blankets, still blissfully asleep. But no, here he was, dressed in his work attire, staring at a starkly lit conference room that was rapidly filling with his equally groggy colleagues.

He couldn't shake the feeling that this early-morning meeting was just another inconvenience in a long list of them.

What could possibly be so important that we have to be here this early? Evan wondered, drumming his fingers on the table. His mind wandered back to his alarm blaring at six, the cold shower that barely woke him up, and the cup of coffee that hadn't had time to work its magic. He sighed, longing for the comfort of his bed and the extra hour of sleep he'd been forced to sacrifice.

The door to the conference room swung open, and the CEO, Mr. Connors, walked in, followed closely by several members of the executive team. Evan straightened up in his seat, trying to shake off his lingering grogginess. Connors looked more serious than usual, his face set in a stern  expression that did nothing to ease the tension in the room.

Evan's curiosity piqued slightly as Connors took his place at the head of the table, signaling for the room to quiet down. The low hum of conversation quickly died out, replaced by an expectant silence. Evan glanced around, noticing that everyone seemed to be on edge, their eyes fixed on Connors.

"Good morning, everyone." Connors began, his voice measured and calm, though there was an undercurrent of urgency that Evan couldn't ignore. "I apologize for the early hour, but I assure you, this meeting is of utmost importance."

Evan leaned forward slightly, his attention sharpening. Of utmost importance? That didn't sound not concerning, you know? The last time Connors had used that phrase was when they'd gone through a round of layoffs last year. And... Evan joined the team about a week ago. His heart rate quickened slightly as he braced himself for whatever news was about to be delivered.

"As some of you may have already heard through the grapevine," Connors continued. "there have been some significant changes in the company's structure. I wanted to address these changes with all of you directly, to dispel any rumors and to ensure that everyone is fully informed."

Evan exchanged a quick glance with Natalie, who was seated across from him. She raised an eyebrow, clearly as puzzled as he was. Significant changes?

Mr. Connors cleared his throat and continued, "As of this morning, our company has undergone a transition in ownership. We have been acquired by a new entity, and the leadership will be shifting accordingly."

A wave of surprise washed over the room. Evan's eyes widened, and he could feel the tension ratchet up several notches. An acquisition? That wasn't something he'd seen coming, and from the looks on his colleagues' faces, neither had they. And, you know. Not to be too obvious, but Evan's got a feeling it's a little 'special someonewho's buyin' the company.

Mr. Connors paused for a moment, letting the news sink in. "I understand that this may come as a shock, but I want to reassure you all that this transition is expected to bring positive changes to our operations. The new owner is committed to investing in our growth and ensuring the continued success of our business."

Evan's thoughts raced. He had so many questions. Who had bought the company? What did this mean for his job? His mind was still grappling with the suddenness of it all when Connors continued.

"Without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the new owner," Connors said, stepping aside as the door opened once more. "Please welcome Mr. Alexei Laurier."

The room went deathly silent.

Everyone in the room was shut up, in awe, of course. Excited to have Alexei as the new owner. As if this was a dream come true. For Evan? A nightmare he wanted to wake up from.

Evan's heart sank, and for a moment, he thought he might be sick. No. No way. His pulse quickened, a rush of adrenaline flooding his system as he locked eyes with the man walking through the door.

Alexei Laurier. The very name sent a jolt of electricity through Evan's body, igniting a whirlwind of emotions, mostly disbelief, though. There was a mischievous glint in Alexei's something else he couldn't quite identify. Alexei looked as composed as ever, his sharp suit well tailored, his presence commanding the room as if it were his by right.

Evan's hands clenched into fists under the table, his nails digging into his palms as he struggled to process what he was seeing. Why's he here? The question pounded in his head, each word a beat in the frantic rhythm of his thoughts. What the fuck is he doing here?!

Alexei's gaze swept the room, his expression unreadable. When his eyes finally landed on Evan, they lingered for just a moment too long, sending a shiver down Evan's spine. There was something in that look. A glint of recognition, of familiarity, that made Evan's stomach twist with dread... and perhaps something uncomfortably close to longing.

"Thank you, Mr. Connors," Alexei said, his voice smooth and confident, cutting through the tension like a knife. "I appreciate the introduction."

He turned his attention to the rest of the room, his eyes scanning the faces of the employees who were all now sitting in stunned silence. "I know this is a significant change, and I understand that transitions like this can be difficult. However, I want to assure you that my intention is to build on the strong foundation that has already been laid here. I believe in this company's potential, and I am committed to ensuring its success."

Evan's mind was racing, his thoughts a chaotic mess of anger, confusion, and frustration. He believes in the company's potential? Was that really why Alexei had bought the place? Or was there something more to this, something that had everything to do with Evan? I mean, if it wasn't already obvious.

"I am also aware," Alexei continued, his tone measured, "that some of you may have concerns about what this change means for your roles. Let me be clear: there are no immediate plans for restructuring or layoffs. My focus is on growth, and I will be working closely with the leadership team to ensure that we are all moving forward together."

Evan barely heard the reassurances. All he could think about was how his life had just been turned upside down in the span of a few minutes. The man he had tried so hard to forget, the one he had spent years avoiding, was now not just a part of his life again, he was the one in control.

The room buzzed with murmurs of relief and lingering unease as Alexei finished speaking. Evan stayed silent, his eyes fixed on the table in front of him. He didn't trust himself to look up, didn't trust himself to hold in the curses he muttered under his breath. Oh, he knows exactly what he's doin' huh?! 

As the meeting wrapped up, Connors made a few more comments about upcoming projects and the continued stability of the company. But for Evan, the words were just noise, background chatter that barely registered.

He needed to get out of there. He needed space to think, to breathe, to figure out how the hell he was supposed to deal with this.

The moment Connors dismissed the room, Evan was on his feet, moving quickly toward the door. He kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone, especially Alexei. He could feel the weight of Alexei's gaze on him as he left the room, a burning sensation between his shoulder blades that only fueled his desire to escape.

Once he was out of the conference room and into the relative privacy of the hallway, Evan took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. His hands were trembling, and he could feel the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. Why is this happening? he thought desperately. Why now?

He needed time to think, time to process this bombshell that had just been dropped on him. But deep down, he knew that it's game over. Alexei was here, in his life again, and there was no escaping that reality.

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