Ch.2 - At The Office

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Evan stood in front of the towering office building, clutching the piece of paper with the address written on it. His eyes darted between the note and the imposing structure before him. He was dressed in a crisp, dark suit. It's his best attempt at looking professional. His hair was neatly brushed, though a few strands rebelliously curled at his forehead. He wasn't sure if he was overdressed, but he figured it was better safe than never.

"Better than looking sleazy..." he thought.

"Uhh, yeah... I think this is the right place," Evan muttered under his breath, his voice wavering slightly as he took in the sheer scale of the building. It seemed to stretch endlessly upward, the glass façade reflecting the overcast sky.

"Yikes, this place is... huge," he added, feeling a knot of anxiety tighten in his stomach.

With a deep breath, he steeled himself and stepped inside. The lobby was a sprawling expanse of marble and chrome, the kind of place that made you feel small and insignificant just by walking through it. The sound of his footsteps echoed faintly as he approached the receptionist's desk. The receptionist, a polished woman in her mid-thirties, barely looked up from her computer as he approached.

"U-Uh, hi. I've got an appointment with Mr. Everett?" Evan's voice had a slight tremor, though it was subtle enough to go unnoticed unless one was really paying attention.

"Floor thirty-one, turn right, then left. You'll see his office," the receptionist replied in a tone that was efficient but devoid of warmth. She didn't bother looking up, her eyes fixed on her screen as she gestured vaguely towards the elevators.

"Err.. thanks." Evan mumbled, his voice trailing off as he turned towards the elevators.

The elevator ride felt interminable, the numbers on the display creeping upward with agonizing slowness. Evan's mind raced, running through possible scenarios of how the interview might go. What if they didn't like him? What if he said something utterly stupid? He adjusted his tie for probably the tenth time, trying to keep his nerves in check.

Finally, the elevator chimed softly as it reached the thirty-first floor. Evan stepped out into a plush carpeted hallway, the kind that muffled your footsteps and made you feel like you were walking on air. The walls were lined with modern art, the kind that looked expensive but made no sense to him.

He followed the receptionist's instructions, turning right, then left, until he stood in front of a sleek wooden door with a polished brass nameplate that read, "Mr. Everett." Evan stared at the label for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Yep, this should be the place, heh.." he whispered shakily to himself, trying to summon the courage to knock.

He raised his hand and gently rapped on the door, his knuckles barely making a sound against the polished wood.

"Come in." came a deep, husky voice from the other side of the door.

Evan took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping into the most luxurious office he had ever seen. The room was spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking view of the city skyline. The furniture was sleek and modern, all sharp angles and clean lines, and everything was bathed in the warm, golden light of the late afternoon sun.

"Have a seat, sir." Mr. Everett said, gesturing to a plush leather chair in front of his desk.

Evan nodded and sat down, feeling the soft leather cushion beneath him. The room was eerily silent, the only sounds being the soft rustling of papers as Mr. Everett organized some documents on his desk. Evan's nerves were fraying at the edges, and he could feel the heat rising in his cheeks.

Mr. Everett cleared his throat, his gaze finally lifting from the papers to meet Evan's. His eyes were sharp, assessing, the kind that seemed to look right through you.

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