Ch.1 - A New Start

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The bar was dimly lit, the only source of illumination being the flickering neon sign outside that cast a ghostly glow over the worn wooden counter. Evan wiped down the bar for the third time that night, the repetitive motion doing little to soothe his frazzled nerves. The few patrons who had been there earlier had long since departed, leaving the place eerily quiet. His mind wandered as he gazed at the empty bar, hoping to finish up quickly so he could close up. The tips had been scarce, and the weight of unpaid bills and overdue rent seemed to grow heavier with each passing minute. Evan kept his head down, sighing deeply as he scrubbed away at a stubborn spot on the counter. This was his only way to survive, but it felt more like a daily grind than a viable solution.

He glanced at the clock above the bar, noting the late hour. With a resigned nod, he grabbed the keys, locked up the bar, and stepped out into the chilly night air. The streets were dimly lit, the occasional streetlamp flickering weakly as if reluctant to dispel the shadows. Evan's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anxiety and exhaustion. His hand rested on the small, cold metal of the gun in his pocket, a constant reminder of the harsh realities of his life. He scanned the street nervously, fully aware of how dangerous this part of town could be. Turning his back for even a moment could invite trouble, and he had seen too many examples of that firsthand.

Evan quickened his pace, his footsteps echoing in the empty streets. The rhythmic sound of his shoes on the pavement was almost calming compared to the whirlwind of thoughts in his head. The weight of his financial troubles pressed heavily on him as he reached his apartment building. The elevator was under maintenance again—he'd hoped for a moment that maybe, just maybe, it would be operational today. He groaned, knowing he'd have to navigate the stairs, which felt like an additional burden on top of everything else.

"Not again..." he muttered under his breath, his frustration evident.

He trudged up the stairs, each step feeling like an additional weight on his shoulders. His head throbbed with a dull, persistent ache, and he clutched his temples in a futile attempt to stave off the pain. The dim hallway lights seemed to mock his exhaustion, flickering intermittently.

Finally, he reached his floor and fumbled with his keys at his apartment door. The familiar click of the lock seemed oddly comforting as he pushed the door open and stepped inside. The apartment was small and sparsely furnished, the bare minimum needed to get by. Cassie, his friend and roommate, was sitting on the couch, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the TV.

"Hiya, Ev!" she called out cheerfully, happy to see her wonderful friend.

"Uh, hey... Cass." Evan's voice was subdued, his weariness evident.

Cassandra's gaze softened as she noticed the strain on Evan's face. She could tell something was bothering him.

 "What's wrong, Ev?" she asked, a hint of concern lacing her words.

"Nothing..." Evan replied, his voice trailing off.
 Cassie knew it wasn't just 'nothing.' She could read him well enough to know that he was carrying a heavy burden.

An awkward silence settled between them, filled only by the distant hum of the television. Cassie hesitated, unsure whether to press further. Evan sighed deeply, breaking the silence as he sank onto the couch beside her.

"Okay, it's not quite 'nothing.' I'm just... worried. I'm worried about the rent this month..."

"And last month's rent too..." he added, his voice almost cracking with the weight of his words.

Cassandra's eyes widened in surprise. "You haven't paid last month's rent off?"

"I couldn't. I didn't have enough. Levi said I'd have to pay it all off this month, or he'd evict me."

Cassandra's heart ached for her friend. She knew how hard Evan worked and how stretched he was financially.

 "Perhaps I could help you with some of it...?" she suggested gently, hoping to ease his burden.

Evan shook his head, his expression weary, as he sighs.
 "No, it's... it's fine. I don't need help. I-I'm sure I can pay it off, one way or another."

The pain in Evan's voice was palpable, and Cassie could see how deeply the stress was affecting him. She knew he was struggling but didn't want to push him too hard.

"Well, uh... I've got this," Cassie said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a business card. She placed it gently on Evan's lap, her fingers lingering for a moment.

"This could help you," she said, offering him a reassuring smile.

Evan looked down at the card, his eyes widening in curiosity.
"Oh, uh... I don't work here, but I found this under my doorstep while I was on my way here. I thought you might want it," Cassie added, feeling a bit awkward but hopeful.

Evan's eyes lit up as he read the name on the card. The opportunity seemed like a beacon of hope in his dire situation. "How much does it pay?" he asked eagerly, his earlier exhaustion momentarily forgotten.

"Enough for you to live a normal life," Cassie said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "And you definitely wouldn't have to work three jobs at a time."

Evan's heartbeat quickened with excitement. This could be the break he needed, the chance to finally get his life back on track. "This is it!" he thought, feeling a surge of hope.


It was 2 AM when Cassie finally went home, leaving Evan alone with his thoughts. He sat on his bed, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of his laptop screen. He opened his email client and drafted a message to the contact listed on the business card. Despite the ungodly hour, desperation fueled his determination.

After hitting 'send,' Evan set his laptop aside, on his bed. He tried to relax, though his mind was racing with thoughts of the potential new job. The minutes ticked by slowly, each second feeling like an eternity. He glanced at the clock, anxiously waiting for a response.

To his surprise, just four minutes later, a notification pinged on his laptop. Evan's heart raced as he opened the email, hoping for positive news.

"Oh, that didn't take too long," Evan muttered to himself, a mixture of hope and nervous anticipation in his voice.

The screen illuminated his face as he eagerly read through the response, his fingers trembling slightly. The email was brief but promising, outlining the next steps and requesting a meeting to discuss the opportunity further. Evan's spirits lifted as he read the encouraging words, feeling a renewed sense of optimism for the first time in weeks.

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