Getting Ready

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"How exciting is this?!" Himari exclaimed "We both got in class 1-A. We have the same home room! We won't be completely alone!"

You giggled at Himari's excitement. You were both sitting on the couch, now actually reading your acceptance letter.

"Oh, hey this is cool, look." Himari said as she showed you her paper, pointing to a line on the letter.

'Use the provided paper and use it to design your hero costume. You may add a description of what material you would like your costume to be made out of, how tight you want it to be along with colors. Please provide measurements on the back of the paper of hero costume design. *Notice - If your quirk is phasing, transforming, or something the do with physical change, please provide a DNA sample (3 strands of hair) with your costume design.'

"Oh, so that's what this blank paper is for. And there's another one... looks like it's our schedule." You said, reading what classes you'd have. At UA you stayed in the same class all day, the teachers would switch classrooms.

"Oh, look, it says we have to pick up our uniform no later than three days after receiving our letters. They'll have us take our photos for our ID cards and we'll get to take those home. Pretty cool." Himari said and you nodded.

"When should we go? Today or tomorrow?" You asked. The school was open fairly late, and it was almost noon. The both of you had plenty of time to get ready for your student ID pictures and to pick up your uniforms.

"Today. It might be crowded tomorrow. You did say that everyone with scores that got accepted would be receiving their letters tomorrow, and that not just the hero course kids, but also business courses and general studies and what not."

"Yeah, you're right... Let me go grab my makeup and my brush and stuff real quick, I'll be right back." You said before getting up and running into your house, grabbing your stuff and running back next door.

When you walked in Himari was still reading the letter.

"It says here when we complete our costume designs, we mail it to this address," She pointed to the paper, "and our costumes will be delivered to the school and will be there on our first day... Man, I'm getting pumped just thinking about all this!" Himari said and you smiled.

"Well let's go get ready."


"So do you want me to come inside with you girls, or do you want me to wait in the car?" Your mother asked, driving into the parking lot of UA.

You and Himari looked at each other for a moment.

"Mm, I think we'll be ok mom, it shouldn't take us too long." You unbuckled your seatbelt

"Yeah, all they're gonna have us do is take our school ID photo in our uniform and then take our uniforms home. Should only be like, twenty minutes at most."

You nodded with what Himari said.

"Alright, just text me if you think it's going to take a little longer ok?"

"Ok" Both you and Himari said before getting out of the car.

You looked around and there were five other cars.

"Are those other kids who got in on recommendations?" Himari asked and you shook your head

"Only three of us got in on recommendations. It must be students for other courses or upperclassmen. I don't think it's staff members since this isn't the staff parking lot.

You and Himari walked into the school with your letters as confirmation that you had been accepted.

When you walked inside the school the halls were bare for the most part. You and Himari saw a few people here and there, either students, or janitors.

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