Daylon Rebrands

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Daylon's P.O.V.

I changed my name to AYEESTACKZZ & my Instagram to 1lulstackkz and dropped this song.

Daylon2Active - Fox 4 Gang ( Baby Jamo - Fox 5 Gang Remix )

I was inna FaceTime call wit da fam and friends. "Why do you have Rackz name? 😂", Victoria said.

Victoria Williams (OhhThtsTori) & Jaiyla Williams (JayyKaiorr) [Kylinn's Cousins] | Birthday: August 3, 2007

Victoria Williams (OhhThtsTori) & Jaiyla Williams (JayyKaiorr) [Kylinn's Cousins] | Birthday: August 3, 2007

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"Cus I told him I'd rather him be AYEESTACKZZ & 1lulstackkz than Baby Javo", AYEERACKZZ said

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"Cus I told him I'd rather him be AYEESTACKZZ & 1lulstackkz than Baby Javo", AYEERACKZZ said.

Travon Toliver (AYEERACKZZ)

Travon Toliver (AYEERACKZZ)

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