Daylon's Problems With Family

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Daylon's P.O.V.

I signed Kylinn's nephew JaQuan to NFL.

JaQuan Evans (BagTalk QuanQuan)

NFL QuanQuan x NFL Daylon - Nightmare

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NFL QuanQuan x NFL Daylon - Nightmare

"Ian gone lie, change that NFL 4ET shit, that's YoungBoy dickriding", ActWick said. "I'ma do Spin Crazy Gang", I said. "Shii I'll join", ActWick said. "And, Daylon, change your Insta name to tallactwd__, trust me, cus you Walker Mill Road's tallest threat", CJ said. "Oh yeaaa change your name to that", TrappGleesh said.


"What should my rap name be?", I said

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"What should my rap name be?", I said. "Tall Drag, cus you be draggin and you tall es", CJ said. "Fs", I said. "Aye, Daylon, why you don't like Kiyanah, Kiara & their friends?", Melo said.

Carmelo Austin (OnTopMelo) | Birthday: March 14th, 2006

"Cus bra, they weird, they gay and they some thots, them green ass bitches can fuck niggas on Instagram but I can't say goofy or I'll smack you, and Kiyanah was twerking & doing that shit so I removed all her pages on both of my pages", I said

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"Cus bra, they weird, they gay and they some thots, them green ass bitches can fuck niggas on Instagram but I can't say goofy or I'll smack you, and Kiyanah was twerking & doing that shit so I removed all her pages on both of my pages", I said. "That's wild", Mimi said. "But you didn't have to remove her tho", Kylinn said. My other Instagram page is yungwdnumber8. "What about Ariyanah, Aaliyah, Saniyah & Ramiere?", Roman said.

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