Fox 5 & Walker Mill vs. Paradise, Saratoga & Texas

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Daylon's P.O.V.

I have this hairstyle if yeen know.

Me, my men, Paradise, Saratoga, The OG Bad Kids, WTO & some Texas influencers was at a lil kickback listening to me, CJ, DeAndre & Deyon's song

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Me, my men, Paradise, Saratoga, The OG Bad Kids, WTO & some Texas influencers was at a lil kickback listening to me, CJ, DeAndre & Deyon's song.

GBG Racks x YGA DreClutch x GBG D5 x Daylon2Active - Z To Da Wick

CJ went first, Deyon went at 0:39, DeAndre went at 0:57, I went at 1:13 and CJ did the last part.

 Deyon Washington (GBG D5) | Birthday: September 12, 2008

(His dreads are alot longer)

"We be crankin like shit", CJ said

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"We be crankin like shit", CJ said. "Yea, better than Baby Jamo's bitch ass", Sasha said. "Fuck you mean", CJ said. "Jamo ass", Sasha said. 

Sasha Young (ItsBunnyBoo) [CJ's Cousin] | Birthday: August 2, 2005

Sasha Young (ItsBunnyBoo) [CJ's Cousin] | Birthday: August 2, 2005

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"Hell no", CJ said. "Ngl, Giz, you're ass too but your cousin No Savage's decent", Mimi said.

Diamond Johnson (LuulMimi) [CJ's Girlfriend] | Birthday: October 8, 2008

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