In the bustling heart of the city's underground music scene, Daylon Brown is known for his raw, unfiltered talent and his unique approach to rap. Diagnosed with autism at a young age, Daylon has always felt like an outsider, both within his own fami...
TreMoney went first, then CJ, then TrapHard, then me.
"Bae", Kylinn said. "Ye", I said. "Maria just got back with TrapHard & Tayonna just got back with Klutch, so you can be friends with them again but they can't tell you to do dumb shit, if they do, let me know immediately", Kylinn said. "Ite", I said. "And I'm friends with ActWick too so you can be cool with him again too", Kiyanah said. "Saydat", I said. "You big WDS again?", Santana said. "Fuck yea", I said. I played me, TrapHard, Tre & CJ's song Buckets. "Pause that for a second", Kiyanah said. "Daylon, stop worrying about these DMV hoods and beefs, you're not StroffingDMV or whoever the fuck that person is", Kiyanah said. "How do you even know who that is 😂?", I said. "You be sending his shit in the Instagram group chat", Kylinn said. "Oh yea, that's right", I said. "Remember you and CJ got put on Stroffing", Mimi said. "How you know 😂", CJ said. "Santana sent it in the group chat that time", Wayne said.
Wayne Johnson (RxWayne) [Diamond's Cousin] | Birthday: October 18, 2005
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"Yea, y'all was talking bout y'all smoking dirty cuz all day all week", Sasha said. "Kill", I said. The Twins pulled up with the GhoulSquad (Pharoah's Crew), CDG Dere, TrapFlava LP, Lil Mari, Frontline Baby, Lul Grod10g, Lil Web, BandChasingMooda & other 23rd, TrapFlava & Hilltop niggas.
CDG Dere
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TrapFlava LP
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